ELPAC Interim Assessments

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Interim Assessments are shorter, optional English language proficiency (ELP) assessments compared to the Summative ELPAC. They aim to support teaching and learning by providing timely and relevant information about a student’s progress toward ELP. The ELPAC Interim Assessment may be administered in a standardized or nonstandardized manner on the basis of an educator’s discretion to best support the learning in their classroom. The ELPAC Interim Assessment consists of two to five tasks for each of the four domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Each task includes either discrete items or performance tasks designed to demonstrate proficiency for each domain.

The ELPAC Interim Assessment provides information about student performance for the assigned grade level or grade span (that is, kindergarten, grade one, grade two, grade span three through five, grade span six through eight, grade span nine and ten, grade span eleven and twelve).

ELPAC Interim Assessments are available year-round, contain items that are placed on the same reporting scale as the Summative ELPAC, and use the full array of accessibility resources and supports available to students on the Summative ELPAC. They use the same task types and formats. For example, the Speaking domain for both the summative and interim assessments require local scoring of student responses. One difference in scoring between the assessments is that for the Writing domain, student responses will be locally scored for the ELPAC Interim Assessment. For the Summative ELPAC, written responses are scored by ETS raters. Another difference in the Writing domain for kindergarten, grade one, and grade two is that the ELPAC Interim Assessment does not have a separate Writing Answer Book like there is for the Summative ELPAC. The Writing Answer Book is available for printing or viewing in the interim ancillary materials and scores are entered online in the Data Entry Interface for these grade levels. In addition, each ELPAC Interim Assessment is administered online using the same Test Delivery System as the Summative ELPAC. The ELPAC Interim Assessments are designed for specific grade levels and grade spans, but any of the interim assessments may be administered to any student at any grade level.