Distributing SSRs


There are three options for accessing and providing SSRs to parents/guardians. Depending upon an LEA's unique factors, one of the following options may be preferable over another, or an LEA may want to consider a combined approach to providing SSRs to parents/guardians.

  1. Access electronic PDF SSRs and HTML SSRs using a locally provided parent or student portal
  2. Download PDF SSRs from TOMS and make available electronically using a secure local method
  3. Download PDF SSRs from TOMS, print, and make available locally



5 CCR Section 863(a) requires LEAs to provide individual CAASPP results to parents/guardians within 20 working days after they are received by the LEA or within 20 working days of the start of the new academic year if received after the last day of instruction. Only authorized LEA personnel, the student, and parents/‌guardians may access the CAASPP results of an individual student.


5 CCR Section 11518.15(c) requires LEAs to provide individual Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC results to parents/guardians within 30 calendar days after they are received by the LEA or within 15 working days of the start of the new academic year if received after the last day of instruction. Only authorized LEA personnel, the student, and parents/‌guardians may access the ELPAC results of an individual student.

Access SSRs Using a Locally Provided Parent or Student Portal

PDF SSRs can be provided electronically using a locally provided parent or student portal.

Additionally, when available, an LEA’s SIS vendor might also be able to provide links to HTML SSRs that can be opened from within the parent portal and are responsive to mobile devices.

ELA, mathematics, and science results are combined within a single SSR only for PDF SSRs—for the HTML SSRs, each content-area assessment has its own SSR link. For example, a grade five student who took the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science, as well as the Summative Alternate ELPAC, would receive four HTML SSRs and two PDF SSRs.

Establishing Credentials for Secure Transmission of SSRs

To establish a secure connection between TOMS and the LEA’s locally provided parent or student portal, an LEA coordinator must first establish credentials (i.e., a username and password) that can be provided to the LEA’s parent or student portal vendor. Review the SIS Vendor Credentialing Overview section in the TOMS User Guide for additional information about this process.

Information for Parent Portal Vendors

Amazon Web Services (AWS)—with the Amazon Simple Storage Service and the Amazon Key Management Service—provides encrypted access for parents/‌guardians to view their child’s electronic SSR, which is available as a PDF or in HTML.

Provide the LEA’s parent or student portal vendor with the API specification document in table 1 to begin the access process. The v2 API supports requests for both PDF and HTML SSRs or just PDF SSRs, for maximum flexibility. If the vendor already uses v1 and the LEA needs only PDF SSRs, the v1 API will continue to support these downloads.

File Purpose Posted Date
API Specifications v2 Download PDF and HTML SSRs or only PDF SSRs 07/29/24
API Specifications v1 Download PDF SSRs 03/30/21

Download SSRs from TOMS and Make Available Electronically Using a Secure Local Method

PDF SSR files can be downloaded from TOMS and made available to parents/guardians electronically via a secure local method.

Maintaining Security of Student PII

Any method for providing SSRs to parents/guardians electronically must be secure and protect student PII that is contained in the SSRs. Some examples of ways to provide secure electronic SSRs include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Password-protect the PDF SSR file, send the file to the parent/guardian via email, and then send the password in a separate email.
  • Use a third-party secure software that provides the parent/guardian access to the PDF SSR file.

Download SSRs from TOMS, Print, and Make Available Locally

PDF SSR files can be downloaded from TOMS and made available to parents/guardians using a locally determined distribution method. Review the How to Bulk Download Student Score Reports for instructions to complete this process. Detailed instructions are available in the CAASPP Student Score Report PDFs and ELPAC Student Score Report PDFs subsections in the TOMS User Guide.

Printing Considerations

When printing SSRs locally, be aware of the following details:

  • SSRs can be printed on 8.5 × 11 inch paper.
  • It is recommended that SSRs be printed two sided and in color.
  • SSRs include the residential address.
  • Printed SSRs can be folded to fit in a standard #10 envelope with a left-side window.
  • For Smarter Balanced and CAAs SSRs that include results of a science assessment, PDF SSRs will be available only once results for all three assessments are available.
  • If the LEA is printing in batches, consider downloading SSRs of a single length into one file and then printing. The lengths of SSRs are presented in table 2.

Table 2. PDF SSR Lengths

Content Area(s) Length
Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics (only) 4 pages
Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics and CAST 5 pages
CAST (only) 2 pages
CAAs for ELA and mathematics (only) 3 pages
CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science 4 pages
CAA for Science (only) 2 pages
CSA 2 pages
Summative ELPAC 2 pages
Summative Alternate ELPAC 2 pages