Literary Assistance Resources


This section contains information about TTS requirements. TTS reads text aloud that appears on the screen for students who may have reading impairments. The TDS includes embedded TTS that can be turned on for students after the student test settings in TOMS have been assigned. For students to test with TTS, a supported voice pack will need to be installed on their device before testing begins. (Supported voice packs are described in the next subsection.) Students testing with TTS should also have a supported headset or headphones.

Students are recommended to use a desktop, laptop, or tablet running Windows, macOS, Linux, or iPadOS for testing; these platforms allow the student to pause the TTS. While the Chromebook does not pause reading, its highlight feature will read text indicated by the student.

Supported Voice Packs

Using TTS requires at least one voice pack to be installed on testing devices.

A number of voice packs are available for testing devices, and all voice packs are researched and tested for compatibility with the secure browsers. However, not all voice packs that come preinstalled with operating systems are approved for use with computer-based testing.

What follows is a list of the voice packs supported for students testing with TTS. A student who needs to use a supported voice pack not listed in this table should test it with a practice test to ensure there are no issues before its use with an operational assessment. Practice tests are available on the Practice and Training Test Site.

The student using TTS for the practice test must log on using a supported secure browser. Secure browsers are available for download on the CAASPP and ELPAC Secure Browsers website. The student can also verify that TTS works on the testing device by logging on to a practice test session using a supported secure browser or Chrome, Firefox, or Edge web browser, and then selecting a test for which TTS is available.

  • Windows For English tests: All built-in voice packs
  • Windows For Spanish tests: Spanish (Mexico)
  • macOS built-in voice packs
  • iPadOS built-in voice packs
  • Chromebook built-in voice packs
  • Heather Infovox iVox HQ (macOS only)
  • Rosa Infovox iVox HQ (macOS only)

Overview of TTS

Using TTS

After configuration of TTS, the student or teacher may test the functionality on a practice test administered through a supported secure browser before using it for operational testing. Students or teachers can also verify that TTS works on testing devices by logging on to a practice test session and selecting a test for which TTS is available.

How the Secure Browser Selects Voice Packs

This subsection describes how the secure browsers select which voice pack to use.

Voice Pack Selection on Desktop Versions of Secure Browsers

When a student who is using TTS starts a test, the secure browser looks for voice packs on the student’s device. Upon recognizing an approved voice pack, the secure browser uses the one with the highest priority.

If any of the approved voice packs has been set as the default voice on the device, then that voice pack will always get the highest priority.

Voice Pack Selection on Mobile Versions of Secure Browsers

The mobile secure browser uses either the device’s native voice pack or a voice pack embedded in the secure browser. Additional voice packs downloaded to a mobile device are not recognized by the mobile secure browser.

Configuring Windows TTS Settings

This subsection explains how to configure Windows for using TTS with the secure browser. The TTS resource is available on Windows versions as listed on the CAASPP and ELPAC Secure Browsers website. Windows devices are typically shipped with at least one default voice pack. Many of these default voice packs are recognized by the secure browser.

The instructions in this section to configure Windows TTS settings are for Windows 10 and 11.

  1. Open the speech recognition resource in the Control Panel by navigating to the Control Panel and then selecting the [Ease of Access] link (figure 1).

    Windows Control Panel, with Ease of Access called out

    Figure 1. [Ease of Access] link in the Windows Control Panel

  2. Select the [Speech Recognition] link (figure 2).

    Windows Control Panel, with Speech Recognition called out

    Figure 2. [Speech Recognition] link in the Windows Control Panel

  3. In the Configure your Speech Recognition experience window, select the [Text to Speech] link in the left navigation panel (figure 3).

    Configure your Speech Recognition experience window, with the Text to Speech link called out

    Figure 3. Configure your Speech Recognition experience window

  4. In the Speech Properties interface, select the [Text to Speech] tab to configure default TTS preferences (figure 4).
    1. Voice selection: If multiple voice packs are available, select the default voice.
    2. Select the [Preview Voice] button to hear a sample of the voice and determine whether the selected voice requires a rate adjustment.
    3. Voice speed: If necessary, adjust the voice speed. Drag the slider to make the voice speak slower or faster. To listen to the rate, select the [Audio Output…] button.

    The default text-to-speech preferences in Windows

    Figure 4. Default TTS preferences in Windows

  5. Once all options have been selected, select the [OK] button to save the settings and close the Speech Properties window.

Configuring macOS TTS Settings

This section explains how to configure macOS for using TTS with the secure browser. The TTS feature is available on macOS versions as listed in the System Requirements document. Using table 1 as a reference, install voice packs from the indicated packages—these are the supported voice packs.

Table 1. Voice Packs Recognized by Secure Browsers—macOS

Vendor Voice Pack Language
Mac (preinstalled) Agnes English
Mac (preinstalled) Alex English
Mac (preinstalled) Bruce English
Mac (preinstalled) Callie English
Mac (preinstalled) David English
Mac (preinstalled) Fred English
Mac (preinstalled) Jill English
Mac (preinstalled) Junior English
Mac (preinstalled) Kathy English
Mac (preinstalled) Princess English
Mac (preinstalled) Ralph English
Mac (preinstalled) Samantha English
Mac (preinstalled) Tom Spanish
Mac (preinstalled) Vicki English
Mac (preinstalled) Victoria English
Mac (preinstalled) Diego Spanish
Mac (preinstalled) Javier Spanish
Mac (preinstalled) Marta Spanish
Mac (preinstalled) Monica Spanish
Mac (preinstalled) Paulina Spanish
Infovox (commercial) Heather Infovox iVox HQ English
Infovox (commercial) Rosa Infovox iVox HQ Spanish

macOS devices are typically shipped with at least one default voice pack. Many of these default voice packs are recognized by the secure browser.

The instructions in this section to configure macOS for using TTS are for macOS 11.6+. The process is similar for other versions of macOS.

  1. Choose the Apple menu System Settings (figure 5).

    Apple Menu with the System Settings item indicated

    Figure 5. Select macOS System Preferences

  2. Select [Accessibility] from the left navigation panel (indicated in figure 6).

    Accessibility section of System Settings interface with Accessibility option and Spoken Content indicated.

    Figure 6. Spoken Content option in the macOS System Settings Accessibility panel

  3. In the “Spoken Content” section of Accessibility on the right side of the screen, select Spoken Content (also indicated in figure 6).
  4. Set the TTS preferences in the Spoken Content panel opens on the right.

    Spoken Content option with the System voice selector and Play Sample button indicated.

    Figure 7. macOS Spoken Content options

  5. Set the TTS preferences:
    1. System Voice (indicated in figure 7): If multiple voice packs are available, select the voice by using a toggle arrow voice; select the [Play Sample] button to hear a sample of the voice and determine whether the selected voice requires a rate adjustment.
    2. Speaking Rate: If necessary, adjust the voice speed. Drag the slider to make the voice speak slower (left) or faster (right). To listen to the rate, select [Play].
  6. When configuration is complete, close the System Settings screen.

Disabling the TTS Keyboard Shortcut

A macOS feature allows users to have any text on the screen read aloud by selecting the text and pressing a preset key or set of keys on the keyboard. By default, this feature is disabled and must remain disabled so as not to compromise test security. Take the following steps to toggle this feature.

  1. Choose the Apple menu ➔ System Settings (figure 8) to open the System Settings screen.

    Apple Menu with the System Settings item indicated

    Figure 8. Apple menu

  2. Select [Accessibility] from the left navigation panel (indicated in figure 9).

    Accessibility section of System Settings interface with Accessibility option and Spoken Content indicated.

    Figure 9. Spoken Content option in the macOS System Settings Accessibility panel

  3. In the “Spoken Content” section of Accessibility on the right side of the screen, select [Spoken Content] (also indicated in figure 9).
  4. When the Spoken Content panel opens on the right, confirm that Speak selection and the rest of the settings in that group are toggled left, to the “off” position (figure 10).

    Spoken Content panel in System Settings interface with Speak announcements, Speak selection, Speak item under the pointer, and Speak typing feedback options indicated.

    Figure 10. Spoken Content panel in the macOS System Settings screen

  5. If the settings in the following group are not already disabled, toggle them off by sliding the toggle to the left:
    • Speak announcements
    • Speak selection
    • Speak item under the pointer
    • Speak typing feedback
  6. Close the System Settings screen.

Configuring Linux TTS Settings

This section explains how to install voice packs on the supported Linux distributions. Using table 2 and table 3 as references, install voice packs from the indicated packages—these are the supported voice packs.

Table 2. Packages That Include Supported Voice Packs on Linux Distributions—Ubuntu

Distribution/Voice Pack Available in Package
kal_diphone (Kevin American English male) festvox-kallpc16k, festvox-kallpc8k
ked_diphone (Kurt American English male) festvox-kdlpc16k, festvox-kdlpc8k
el_diphone (Castilian Spanish male) festvox-ellpc11k

Table 3. Packages That Include Supported Voice Packs on Linux Distributions—Fedora

Distribution/Voice Pack Available in Package
cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts (Scottish English male) festvox-awb-arctic-hts
cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts (American English male) festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts (Canadian English male) festvox-jmk-arctic-hts
kal_diphone (Kevin American English male) festvox-kal-diphone
ked_diphone (Kurt American English male) festvox-ked-diphone
  1. Install Festival for TTS:
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install festival
    • Fedora: yum install festival
  2. Install Sound eXchange (SoX) for TTS:
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install sox
    • Fedora: yum install sox


STT technology transcribes a student’s spoken words into text for responses to test questions in the TDS. Students with the appropriate accommodations may use STT assistive technology while taking tests. It is recommended that students who have been assigned this resource use the embedded STT resources in the TDS, which can be used without an external application. This embedded resource can be tracked by the CAASPP or ELPAC programs when gathering data about students’ resource use.

If a student needs to use a third-party STT software, refer to the list in table 4 for the software that has been tested with the TDS. The TDS currently supports several non-embedded STT applications.

A student using STT technology will need to use a headset while testing. Any wired headset with a 3.5 mm or USB connection should be compatible.

After configuration of a STT application, the student may test that application on a practice test administered through a supported secure browser prior to using it for operational testing.

Table 4 lists STT applications that have been tested with the TDS.

Table 4. Third-party STT Applications

STT Technology Supported Versions OS Requirements Additional Details
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home & Individual Professional—Windows
  • 15 Professional
  • 16 Professional
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • This resource may need to be used in a separate setting.
  • This software requires additional setup before use in the TDS; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information.
  • While the Home version was discontinued, a student may continue to test with it if it is already available for the student’s use.
  • Because the TDS cannot confirm appropriate configurations are in use during testing, the TA or TE will need to ensure the student does not use features outside of the STT functionality, such as the ability to record a transcription while testing.
  • 12.0.77
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • Exam Mode must be enabled before the student begins testing; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information. (This mode is not available with Read&Write for Mac.)
  • Locked Browser Mode disables the STT functionality in Read&Write. A student should not use Locked Browser Mode when using Read&Write for STT.
  • This software also includes text prediction features that a student may use if assigned the word prediction accommodation.
Windows Built-in Speech Recognition
  • 8.0
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • This built-in software requires additional setup before use in the TDS; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information.
  • Because the TDS cannot confirm appropriate configurations are in use during testing, the TA or TE will need to ensure the student does not use features outside of the STT functionality, such as the ability to open and switch between applications, view the desktop, perform searches, and access the Cortana voice assistant while testing.
  • 5.4.29
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • This software requires additional setup before use in the TDS; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information.
  • Exam Mode must be enabled before the student begins testing.
  • This application also includes a text prediction feature that cannot be disabled. Therefore, a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan must include the use of the word prediction resource to be used along with the STT functionality to use this application.

Configuration Guidelines for STT Applications

Some applications listed in table 4 require additional configuration to prepare for use during computer-based testing. Necessary configurations are described in this subsection. Some applications send data to the cloud for processing by default. Where noted, this feature should be disabled by the TA or TE to ensure the security of test data.

After an application is configured, CAI strongly recommends testing that application on a practice test administered through the secure browser prior to using it for operational testing.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home or Professional Individual for Windows

Take the following steps to configure Dragon NaturallySpeaking for student testing:

  1. Open the Options dialog box presented in figure 11 by accessing the Tools drop-down list on the DragonBar and then selecting the Options item.

    Dragon Options window open to the Commands tab with the settings mentioned in step 2 unchecked and indicated.

    Figure 11. Dragon [Commands] tab in the Options dialog box

  2. On the [Commands] tab, displayed, uncheck the following boxes, as indicated in figure 10:
    • Enable E-Mail and Calendar commands
    • Enable Cut shortcut commands
    • Enable launching from the Start menu
    • Enable launching from the desktop
  3. On the [Miscellaneous] tab (figure 12), uncheck the Use the Dictation Box for unsupported applications box.

    Dragon Options window open to the Miscellaneous tab with the Use Dictation Box for unsupported application checkbox cleared and indicated.

    Figure 12. Dragon [Miscellaneous] tab in the Options dialog box

  4. Open the Administrative Settings dialog box presented in figure 13 by accessing the Tools drop-down list on the DragonBar and then selecting the Administrative Settings item.

    Dragon Options window open to the schedule tasks tab, indicated; with the Help us improve Dragon checkbox unchecked and indicated.

    Figure 13. Dragon [Scheduled Tasks] tab in the Administrative Settings dialog box

  5. On the [Scheduled Tasks] tab (indicated in figure 13), uncheck the Enable scheduled Data Collection box (Dragon 15) or the Help us improve Dragon box (Dragon 16) (also indicated in figure 13).
Setting Up User Profiles for Students

Dragon NaturallySpeaking requires each student to use a specific user profile. Create user profiles and ensure that Dragon NaturallySpeaking is set to the proper profile for each student prior to testing. When creating a profile, the student’s age range, language, and accent can be selected, and the audio input devices can be set. The student will then read aloud prompts that Dragon NaturallySpeaking uses to learn the student’s voice.

After creating one or more profiles, the [Profiles] button can be selected in the Dragon toolbar. Selecting [Open User Profile…] switches between user profiles (refer to figure 14).

Dragon Naturally Speaking Open User Profiles window displaying several existing user profiles and an Open button.

Figure 14. Dragon NaturallySpeaking—Open User Profile

Read&Write for Windows

Read&Write has an Exam Mode that can be used to turn off features for a single student on the particular testing device. When Exam Mode is enabled, the student will have access to only the selected features on the toolbar and certain speech settings, including voice selection, speed, pitch, and Speak As I Type; the full settings menu will not be accessible.

Take these steps to use Exam Mode; refer also to the Using Exam Mode in Read&Write for Windows web page.

  1. Open Read&Write.
  2. Select the [Settings] button.
  3. Select the [Show more settings] link.
  4. Type adminsettings in the Find a Setting field.
  5. Enter and confirm a password to grant administrator access on this computer; select the [OK] button. (This username and password are associated with the administrative account for the user’s Read&Write subscription.)
  6. Select the [Select your features] tab and then select which feature(s) to enable on the student’s toolbar.
  7. Select the Use Exam Mode now toggle to start Exam Mode.
  8. Close the Read&Write menu to start the exam.

Windows Speech Recognition

Prior to testing day, the Windows built-in Speech Recognition application must be set up on each testing device that will be used by students who require STT. The application can be set up by selecting Speech Recognition In the Windows Control Panel. During setup, Speech Recognition Voice Training must be completed by the student for optimal performance.

On the day of testing, the student using non-embedded STT should launch the secure browser (with permissive mode enabled), enter the test, and then launch the Windows Speech Recognition software. This will allow the secure browser to recognize the software and permit students to proceed through the test.

While Windows Speech Recognition is processing speech, the testing site may slow down. If transcription is not needed for testing, make sure Windows Speech Recognition is not listening to prevent this slowness from interfering with test performance.

WordQ+SpeakQ (WordQ5)

To minimize security risks, WordQ+SpeakQ—also known as WordQ5—includes an Exam Mode feature, which can be enabled through the application’s settings. Note the following about Exam Mode:

  • It must be set for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 12 hours.
  • Exam Mode may not eliminate all security risks.
  • Once Exam Mode has been set, it cannot be disabled until the configured time has run out.

Take the following steps to turn on Exam Mode and set the timer:

  1. Open WordQ+SpeakQ.
  2. Select the [Options] icon.
  3. Select [Exam Mode]; the EXAM MODE pop-up window appears.
  4. Set the exam time limit in the Exam Mode time limit field at the bottom of the window.
  5. Check or uncheck the Word usage examples and Single words added by the user, including topic words boxes to enable or restrict these features.

Word Prediction

Word prediction applications, which use predictive text technology, will allow a student to begin writing a word when responding to a test item and let the student be able to choose from a list of single words that have been predicted from word frequency and syntax rules. The TDS uses the Co:Writer word prediction tool, which is supported on all devices for most content areas; exceptions are as follows:

  • The on-screen equation editors in mathematics assessments do not work with word prediction on Windows and MacOS devices.
  • Students should use an external keyboard for word prediction to function correctly on iPadOS.

Table 5 lists third-party word prediction applications that have been tested with the TDS.

Table 5. Third-party Word Prediction Applications

Predictive Text Technology Supported Versions OS Requirements Additional Details
Read&Write for Windows and MacOS
  • 12.0.73 (Windows 10; Server 2012 R2, 2016 R2)
  • 12.0.75 (Windows 11)
  • 7.1.6 (macOS)
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • macOS 13.3
  • Because the TDS cannot confirm appropriate configurations are in use during testing, the TA or TE will need to ensure the student does not use features outside of the word prediction functionality.
  • This software requires additional setup before use in the TDS; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information.
  • The Windows version also includes STT functionality that the student may use if the student has the proper accommodation assigned.
  • A student in Windows can press the available function keys from [F1] to [F8] to use the text prediction feature.
  • Includes a Screen Recording feature that should be disabled for Read&Write via System Settings ➔ Privacy & Security ➔ Screen Recording.
WordQ+‌SpeakQ (WordQ5)
  • Windows 5.4.29
  • MacOS 5.3.5
  • Windows 10, 11
  • Windows Server 2016 R2
  • macOS 13.3
  • This software requires additional setup before use in the TDS; refer to the configuration guidelines for additional information.
  • Exam Mode must be enabled before the student begins testing.
  • Screen recording should be disabled.

Configuration Guidelines for Word Prediction Applications


Read&Write has an Exam Mode that can be used to turn off features for a single student on the particular testing device, although not for macOS. When Exam Mode is enabled, the student will have access to only the selected features on the toolbar. For students requiring word prediction, Word Prediction should be enabled. Read & Write for Windows also includes TTS and STT (talk and type) features, which should be enabled for students with the proper accommodation settings only.

Take these steps to use Exam Mode; refer also to the Using Exam Mode in Read&Write for Windows web page.

  1. Open Read&Write as the student who is testing.
  2. Select the [Settings] button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the [Show more settings] link.
  4. Type adminsettings in the Find a Setting field.
  5. Enter and confirm a password to grant administrator access on this computer; select the [OK] button. (This username and password is associated with the administrative account for the user’s Read&Write subscription.)
  6. Select the [Select your features] tab and then select which feature(s) to enable on the student’s toolbar.
  7. Select the Use Exam Mode now toggle to start Exam Mode.
  8. Close the Read&Write menu to start the exam.

WordQ+SpeakQ (WordQ5)

To minimize security risks, WordQ+SpeakQ (WordQ5) includes an Exam Mode feature, which can be enabled through the application’s settings. Note the following about Exam Mode:

  • It must be set for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 12 hours.
  • Exam Mode may not eliminate all security risks.
  • Once Exam Mode has been set, it cannot be disabled until the configured time has run out or the device has been rebooted.

Take the following steps to turn on Exam Mode and set the timer:

  1. Open WordQ+SpeakQ (WordQ5).
  2. Select the [Options] icon.
  3. Select [Exam Mode]; the EXAM MODE pop-up window appears.
  4. Set the exam time limit in the Exam Mode time limit field at the bottom of the window.
  5. Check or uncheck the Word usage examples and Single words added by the user, including topic words boxes to enable or restrict these features.