Presentation Resources

Braille (Including Screen Readers)

The “Braille” presentation setting indicates to the TDS that a student is to test using a resource to accommodate for visual impairments. The braille embedded accommodation should be set not only when a student is using an RDB or receiving embossed content, but also if the student requires the use of a screen reader (even though the student is not receiving brailled content).

Audio Transcripts (Includes Braille)

The content in the listening passages with the option of closed-captions are made available in refreshable braille or on-screen as a single text presentation called Audio Transcript.

Students who are presented with this accommodation on-screen select the [Transcripts] icon to open a pop-up box that contains a transcript of what is otherwise presented via closed-captions.

Students who require a braille transcript select the [Print Passage] icon; the TA or TE approves the request and prints the braille transcript. Note that students also must have the braille embedded accommodation set to print transcripts in braille.