Training Resources

Moodle Training Site

All LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, TEs, and school administrative staff who will be involved in the Alternate ELPAC test administration should complete a virtual training prior to administering and scoring the Alternate ELPAC through the Moodle Training Site.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator and site ELPAC coordinator are required to be certified annually for each Alternate ELPAC administration or to designate someone to complete the annual certification. Coordinators are responsible for ensuring all appropriate training has been completed. Such training should include, but not be limited to, training on administration and scoring, item security, and professional conduct associated with the administration of standardized assessments.

TEs for the Alternate ELPAC must receive training annually in the administration of the Alternate ELPAC by completing a Test Examiner Training and Calibration course offered on the Moodle Training Site. The TE must be an employee or contractor of an LEA or NPS, have signed the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit, and be proficient in English (having a complete command of pronunciation, intonation, and fluency). In addition, the TE should be familiar with the student as well as the student’s individual testing needs and preferred mode of communication.

LEA Verification of Training

Statewide training is mandatory. All LEA ELPAC coordinators, new and experienced, will be expected to verify that this training requirement is met. LEA ELPAC coordinators will need to complete the Initial Alternate ELPAC LEA Certification and Summative Alternate ELPAC LEA Certification course on the Moodle Training Site. Both trainings are required if an LEA has a student registered to take the Alternate ELPAC.

If the LEA has an MOU in place with another LEA to provide testing, email a copy of the MOU indicating the LEA that will provide the testing to SCOE at

TE Training

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, or the LEA ELPAC coordinator’s designee, is responsible for overseeing TEs’ training progress and completion. Both new and experienced TEs must be certified annually. The annual certification allows TEs to administer both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC until the annual certification is released again the next year in the fall.

Moodle Training Site

The computer-based Alternate ELPAC AST courses are available on the Moodle Training Site. Using the Moodle Training Site requires ELPAC trainers, LEA ELPAC coordinators, and TEs to set up individual accounts. Access to the Trainer Resources course, Test Examiner Training and Calibration course, and the LEA Certification course requires enrollment keys. The LEA ELPAC coordinator is the only person with access to the enrollment keys and is responsible for distributing the keys to the appropriate LEA staff.

Videos are a key part of each of the training courses on the Moodle Training Site. These training videos help LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and ELPAC TEs become familiar with the necessary requirements for a successful Alternate ELPAC administration.

Additional Training

A variety of workshops and professional development opportunities are offered throughout the year. Optional statewide trainings are held virtually and can be found on the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page. These include Coffee Sessions during which coordinators can ask the CDE and ETS questions, as well as new coordinator trainings and other opportunities.

Videos and Quick Reference Guides

The Administer a Test Session, Initial Alternate ELPAC, and Summative Alternate ELPAC web pages provide step-by-step instructions for how to accomplish a task or activity for the Alternate ELPAC. These instructions are available in either PDF, DOCX, or video format.

Practice and Training Tests

Online practice and training tests are available for the Alternate ELPAC.


The online Alternate ELPAC practice and training tests allow students, parents/guardians, families, teachers, administrators, and others an opportunity to become familiar with the online test delivery platform as well as the types of test questions that may appear on the actual assessment at each grade level or grade span.

The practice test includes examples of all the types of test questions that may appear in the actual assessment at each grade level or grade span and mirrors a full-length operational Alternate ELPAC. The training test is shorter compared to the practice test, is appropriate to use for training students on how to navigate through the test, and can be used to determine which embedded accessibility resources may be appropriate for a student.

The practice and training tests are available for kindergarten, grade one, grade two, grade span three through five, grade span six through eight, grade span nine and ten, and grade span eleven and twelve.

The following resources are available on the Practice and Training Test Resources web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website:

  • Training test DFAs for each grade level and grade span
  • Practice test DFAs and picture cards representing each grade level and grade span
  • Practice test scoring guides for each grade level and grade span

Public Access

The practice and training tests can be accessed and used as a guest without logon credentials and without using the secure browser, although a supported web browser is necessary. While the practice and training tests do not require use of the secure browser, some accessibility resources, such as print-on-demand, are only available through the secure browser. Refreshable or embossed braille, where available, can be accessed using a web browser.

Secure Access

A TE user who wants to administer a practice test or training test that uses the print-on-demand resource is required to log on to the Test Administrator Interface using their TOMS credentials. A TE can also log on to practice using the Test Administrator Interface during a practice test or training test session. TEs can contact their site ELPAC coordinator for logon credentials if needed.