Security of the Test Environment

The secure browser is a secure online testing environment in which a device is restricted from accessing prohibited computer applications (local or internet-based), copying, or otherwise sharing test data. The purposes of the secure test environment are to maintain test security and provide a stable testing experience for students across multiple platforms. The security of assessment instruments and the confidentiality of student information are vital to maintaining the validity, reliability, and fairness of the results.

All test items and test materials are secure and must be appropriately handled. Secure handling protects the integrity, validity, and confidentiality of assessment items, prompts, and student information. Any deviation in test administration must be reported as a test security incident to ensure the validity of the assessment results.

It is the responsibility of each person participating in the administration of the Alternate ELPAC to immediately report any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentiality. The site ELPAC coordinator is responsible for immediately reporting any security violation to the LEA ELPAC coordinator.

In the case of a student cheating, the TE must stop the cheating; however, the student may be allowed to complete the remainder of the assessment. After testing, the TE must notify the site ELPAC coordinator. Do not call the CDE or the LEA Success Agent to report student cheating. Instead, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator must report an incident using the STAIRS/Appeals process.


All people who have witnessed, been informed of, or suspect the possibility of a test security incident that could potentially affect the validity or the security of the assessments should report such breaches to a site ELPAC coordinator or LEA ELPAC coordinator. Note that only LEA ELPAC coordinators and site ELPAC coordinators may report the incident using the STAIRS/Appeals process and, if directed, file an Appeal. Review the information in the Identifying Testing Improprieties, Irregularities, and Breaches and Appeals Submission (as necessary) subsections of this manual; and then refer to the CAASPP and ELPAC Security Incidents and Appeals Procedure Guide for additional instructions.

Table 1 through table 4 describe security requirements for the test environment during various stages of testing. The test environment refers to all aspects of the testing situation while students are testing and includes what a student can view, hear, or access (including access via technology).

Before Testing

Table 1. Requirements of the Test Environment Before Testing

Requirement Description
Instructional materials removed or covered Instructional materials must be removed or covered, including, but not limited to, information that might assist students in answering questions. This includes material that is displayed on bulletin boards, chalkboards, dry-erase boards, or charts (for example, wall charts that contain literary definitions, maps, mathematics formulas, graphic organizers, etc.).
Student seating For one-on-one administration, it is recommended that the TE sit side by side with the student for the receptive composite and face-to-face or at a 90-degree angle for the expressive composite.

To promote optimum testing conditions, place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door or post signs in halls and entrances rerouting hallway traffic.

Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” signs should be posted in the testing environment so that they are clearly visible to the student who is testing.

During Testing

Table 2. Requirements of the Test Environment During Testing

Requirement Description
Quiet environment Provide a quiet environment void of talking or other distractions that might interfere with a student’s ability to concentrate or might compromise the testing situation or environment.
Student supervision Students must be actively supervised by a trained TE (and proctor, if applicable) and are prohibited from accessing or using unauthorized electronic devices that allow access to outside information, communication among students or with other people outside the testing environment, or photographing or copying test content. This includes any device with cellular, messaging, or wireless capabilities, but is not limited to cell phones, smart watches, tablets, cameras, and electronic translation devices.
People in the testing room Only testing staff and students who are actively testing should be in the testing room. Unauthorized staff or other adults, including students’ parents/guardians, must not be in the room during testing.
Access to allowable resources only Students must only have access to, and use of, allowable resources (refer to the Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions subsection for examples) that are permitted for each specific assessment (or portion of an assessment). This includes access to medical supports and devices that may be integrated into other technology devices. Use of such devices may require additional monitoring or a separate test setting to maintain test security.
Access to assessments Only the student who is testing, a primary TE, and a secondary TE (if the LEA has been assigned to participate in second scoring) may view items. TEs should use caution when reviewing the DFA, the test questions, the picture cards, and other materials before testing begins and when preparing student resources (e.g., AAC devices) to individualize the student testing experience.
Testing through secure browser Administration of the computer-based Alternate ELPAC is permitted only through the secure browser. The use of third-party accessibility software or devices is permitted only if the student has been assigned the permissive mode designated support.

During and After Testing

Table 3. Requirements of the Test Environment During and After Testing

Requirement Description
No copies of test materials Unless needed as a print-on-demand designated support or to produce test content locally in braille, no copies of the test items, stimuli, reading passages, or writing prompts may be made or otherwise retained.
No access to digital, electronic, or manual devices No digital, electronic, or manual device may be used to record or retain test items, reading passages, or writing prompts. Similarly, these materials must not be discussed with, or released to, anyone via any media, including fax, email, text message, social media websites, etc.
No retaining, discussing, or releasing test materials Descriptions of test items, stimuli, printed reading passages, or writing prompts must not be retained, discussed, or released to anyone.
No reviewing, discussing, or analyzing test materials LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and other staff may not review, discuss, or analyze stimuli and test items, at any time, including before, during, or after testing. ELPAC TEs may not discuss or analyze stimuli and test items but may review the stimuli and test items in preparation for individualized student assessment. The student may not discuss or share stimuli or test items with anyone during or after testing.
Keeping all test materials secure at all times Printed materials such as the DFA, print-on-demand stimuli and items, picture cards, and documents with student information must be kept in a securely locked room or locked cabinet that can be opened only with a key or keycard by staff responsible for test administration. LEAs need to make sure DFAs are securely destroyed after test administration is complete. The device on which downloaded files, such as DFAs, temporarily reside should be secured.

After Testing

Table 4. Requirements of the Test Environment After Testing

Requirement Description
No test materials used for instruction Test items and stimuli must not be used for instruction. However, LEAs are allowed to use the training and practice tests in the classroom as those are not secure and are publicly available.
Maintain security while entering student results into the DEI LEA staff, including second scorers, entering student results into the DEI should be in a private location, away from students. Staff entering information must have signed the Test Security Affidavit online.
Destroy test materials securely Upon a student’s completion of the assessment, printed stimuli and test items, scratch paper, picture cards, and notecards or paper that include student logon information must be collected and inventoried, and then immediately securely destroyed as directed by the LEA ELPAC coordinator. Printed DFAs must also be securely destroyed at the end of the Alternate ELPAC testing window.