System Features

All Completion Status features described next are available from both the Home Page Dashboard, which appears at first logon to the Completion Status System and displays every task a user can perform within the system; and the primary menu bar, which is located on any page in the system.

Home Page Dashboard

The Home Page Dashboard, shown in figure 1, displays the task category for Completion Status, which is “Administering Tests.”

Home Page Dashboard with the the Plan and Manage Testing, Test Completion Rates, Search by SSID, and Test Progress Summary task items displayed

Figure 1. Home Page Dashboard

To expand a task drop-down list and view its set of related tasks, select the [drop-down list] icon [Drop-down list icon with down arrow] on the right of the Completion Status Reports drop-down list. To perform a task, select one of the following:

  • Plan and Manage Testing
  • Test Completion Rates
  • Search by SSID
  • Test Progress Summary

The header, presented in figure 2, is located at the top of the screen and provides functions for a variety of general tools that can be used by the user currently logged on to the system.

Header section that shows the Switch Applications drop-down list, Secure File Center link, Help button, and the Name drop-down list.

Figure 2. Header at the top of the Completion Status application

Refer to table 1 for descriptions of the features in the application header section.

Table 1. Completion Status System Features

Feature Description
[Switch Applications] drop-down list This list, which is opened by selecting the [Switch Applications] 3×3 array [3-by-3 dotted array with a down arrow to its right.] icon, contains other applications such as CERS and the Test Administrator Interface, that a user can access according to the TOMS user role.
[Secure File Center] button This button opens the Secure File Center, which houses requested reports after they have been generated.
[Help] button This button displays an online help guide from which users can navigate to Help screens for specific needs. The Guide will open in a new web browser tab.
[Name] drop-down list This drop-down list has a section with account management functions such as those to change a user role and log out; as well as a section describing the user’s role, including the test administration and user’s district (LEA) and school. Refer to the Access, Logons, and Passwords: Overview section in the TOMS User Guide for more information about managing a TOMS SSO account.

The menu bar, shown in figure 3, appears when a user navigates away from the Home Page Dashboard. It contains three items:

  1. The [Home] icon [Home icon] takes the user to the Home Page Dashboard, shown in figure 1, from any page within the system.
  2. The Completion Status Reports drop-down list, indicated in figure 3, allows users to select from the following tasks:
    • Plan and Manage Testing
    • Test Completion Rates
    • Search by SSID
    • Test Progress Summary

    Menu bar, with the Completion Status Reports drop-down list and more info button indicated.

    Figure 3. Menu bar with Completion Status Reports drop-down list

  3. The [more info] button, shown at the end of the row where the Information symbol is and also indicated in figure 1, displays instructions on how to perform a task. A sample screen shown in figure 4 demonstrates how this content is presented for creating a Completion Status report. Select this button again to collapse the instructions.

    Menu bar that shows the instructions to view a Completion Status report that appear when the more info button has been selected.

    Figure 4. Menu bar with the [more info] button