Condition Code Descriptions

A special condition code indicates the presence of a particular circumstance during testing; these are described in table 1. Only one condition code can be applied per student’s domain. For a more detailed description of all condition codes and their meanings, refer to the Condition Codes appendix of the current ELPAC Student Data File Layout that is linked on the ELPAC Score Reporting web page.

Table 1. ELPAC Condition Codes

Condition Code Assessment Description
  • Summative ELPAC
Within a composite, a student may be assigned an exemption from testing in one of the two domains; the composite’s score, which is used to calculate the overall score, is derived from the score of the tested domain.
  • Summative ELPAC
  • Summative Alternate ELPAC
The student was not tested and the student’s ELAS did not change from EL to non-EL by the end of the testing window.