Accessibility Resources


Accessibility resources are features or supports that are part of the assessment and are provided either as digitally delivered components of the secure browser (embedded resources) or separate from the secure browser (non-embedded resources). Accessibility resources allow students to participate in an assessment that can generate results that are a fair and accurate estimate of each student’s achievement.

Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations will be available for the Initial Alternate ELPAC. Students may use the embedded universal tools within the TDS but also have the option to use non-embedded universal tools. The accommodations and designated supports for the Initial Alternate ELPAC must be assigned in the test settings section of TOMS. Use of accommodations and designated supports does not change the construct of the test, nor affect the overall score.

Unlisted resources are non-embedded supports that may be provided if specified in eligible students’ IEPs or Section 504 plans. Use of unlisted resources must first be approved by the CDE before being assigned in the test settings section of TOMS. If the unlisted resource changes the construct of what is being measured, the student will receive a LOSS.

To facilitate the use of these resources and supports, the CDE California Assessment Accessibility Resources Matrix lists the embedded and non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations that are allowed as part of all ELPAC general and alternate assessments.

Finally, the CDE Student Accessibility Resources web page has additional information about the resources available for the ELPAC general and alternate assessments.

Accessibility Guidelines

There are a number of sources of information available to assist in understanding, assigning, and using accessibility resources during Initial Alternate ELPAC testing:

Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions

Site ELPAC coordinators and Alternate ELPAC TEs should work together to determine the most appropriate testing option(s) and testing environment based on the number of students in each tested grade level or grade span, the estimated time needed to complete each test, and each student’s individual needs. TEs should set up testing areas for students that minimize distractions and maximize student engagement. This also includes setting up testing rooms for students whose IEPs or Section 504 plans specify universal tools, designated supports, accommodations, or any combination of these that necessitate testing the students in a separate setting (that is, extended testing time, additional breaks, and so forth).

For the Initial Alternate ELPAC, the TE can test within the classroom or in a separate setting (which could be a blocked-off area within the room). The Initial Alternate ELPAC will be read aloud to the student, is not timed, and allows for breaks when needed by the student.

Student Engagement

Establishing and maintaining student engagement is important to the successful administration of the Initial Alternate ELPAC.

When a student is engaged and ready for testing in a familiar environment with a familiar educator, the student is likely to exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Attending to the task with a familiar teacher and environment
  • Maintaining attention to the task when encouraged by the teacher (for example, when given praise, sensory breaks, or increased proximity to the teacher)
  • Indicating a willingness to participate
  • Gazing intentionally at a selection when provided with text, computer images, and picture cards
  • Listening intentionally when the teacher is reading text, asking questions, or describing pictures
  • Communicating intentional responses that convey attentiveness to the teacher, such as speaking, nodding, pointing, gesturing, and using assistive technology, as well as physical changes in posture, body position, respiration, voice, movement, and facial expression
  • Being able to be redirected to the task
  • Using individualized supports to self-regulate during testing, such as a schedule, tokens, cards, visual supports, social narratives, tangibles, or sensory diets

In contrast, when a student loses attention during testing or is not ready for the test, pause the test and continue at a time when the student shows signs of engagement.

A student who has lost attention or is not ready for testing may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Increased sensory stimulation behaviors, such as flapping hands, rocking, twirling hair, rubbing eyes, biting hands, and touching or mouthing objects
  • Escape behaviors, such as pushing or moving the chair away from the table, attempting to leave the testing area, repeatedly asking to go to the bathroom or to take a break, and saying “no” or headshaking in response to the teacher
  • Attention-seeking behaviors, such as headshaking or answering “no,” changing the subject, talking loudly, humming, or screaming
  • Avoidance behaviors, such as intentionally and atypically avoiding another person’s gaze; intentionally looking away from the computer, the teacher, or pictures; pushing or moving the computer or test materials away; refusing to participate or engaging in an undesired behavior to avoid a task; and saying or indicating anxiety or illness
  • Tangible-seeking behaviors, such as requesting access to a specific item or activity

To increase engagement, TEs should

  • provide the student with as much time as needed;
  • allow the student to communicate as the student does every day; and
  • pause and resume the test as needed to allow the student to perform well, including administering over multiple days.

Following these strategies will help the student engage more with the test.