What’s New in the CAASPP System in 2024⁠–⁠25

CAASPP System of Assessments


  • Responses to CSA speaking items will be scored by ETS (instead of locally).
  • The speaking domain is administered to students in high school only.


Test Administration Applications

Test Administrator Interface

  • Logging on opens the test administration Dashboard.
  • Selection of an in-person or remote session occurs using a button before assessments are selected.
  • Test administrators and test examiners associated with more than one test site are prompted to select one prior to starting or scheduling a test session.
  • Two versions of the Administer an Online Test Session PDF documents for Smarter Balanced CAT, Smarter Balanced PT, CAST, and CSA are available. Refer to the Directions for Administration Scripts section for more information.

Test Delivery System

  • Text-to-speech has been added to the student sign-in workflow and is available for all students who select the [Read Page] button on the Student Sign-In and subsequent pages
    • The text-to-speech that can be used while the student is signing in does not apply to the student’s assessment once the student enters the assessment.
    • The workflow language changes to Spanish once the student opts to take the CSA. A student taking the CSA must have a Spanish voice pack installed.
  • Students are not required to use the [Tab] key to enter an SSID.
  • For drag-and-drop items, a student now has the option to select or tap the word or graphic and then the target instead of having to hold down a device key to drag.

Completion Status System

  • The user interface has been updated.
  • Test Progress Summary reports are available. These visualization (graph) reports are based on data from the Test Completion Rates report.

Accessibility Resources


  • Support for Piper TTS for Linux has been added.
  • For Windows 11 22H2 and later, Windows Speech Recognition was replaced by Windows Voice Access starting in September 2024. Students may continue to use Windows Speech Recognition if it is available on their device.

Universal Tools

  • The definition of non-embedded scratch paper was clarified to state that graph paper can be used by a student in any grade level taking the mathematics assessment.

Designated Supports

  • The definition of the embedded mark for review universal tool was updated to include test examiner assistance for students taking the ELPAC or CAAs.
  • Color contrast with print-on-demand is no longer listed as a non-embedded designated support because the system does not support the production of printable materials in the selected display contrast.
  • The use of read aloud for CSA items was redesignated from a non-embedded accommodation to a non-embedded designated support.
  • The use of the non-embedded read aloud in Spanish designated support was updated to specify that this resource is not applicable to the CSA.
  • The embedded text-to-speech and text-to-speech in Spanish designated supports were enhanced in the following ways:
    • They include line tracking, which causes the entire line to be highlighted lightly. In addition, each word that is spoken is highlighted in a contrasting color as it is read aloud.
    • A student selects the [TTS] speaker icon (instead of a word from the context menu) to use this resource.
    • Any warning or advisory pop-up boxes can also be read aloud after a student selects the [TTS] speaker icon on the box.
  • The definition of embedded translations (Spanish stacked–dual language) for the CAST was updated to specify that some item responses are provided in either English or Spanish, but not both languages.


  • The non-embedded braille HAT has a raised-line graphics option (in addition to embossed graphics) that can be ordered by contacting the LEA’s Success Agent. Materials are available only for students in the LEA who have the braille accommodation assigned.
  • The definition of non-embedded alternate response options accommodation was expanded to include AAC devices.
  • A student’s means of access to the American Sign Language embedded accommodation was updated to use the [American Sign Language] hands icon instead of the context menu.
  • The embedded text-to-speech accommodation was enhanced in the following ways:
    • It includes line tracking, which causes the entire line to be highlighted lightly. In addition, each word that is spoken is highlighted in a contrasting color as it is read aloud.
    • A student selects the [TTS] speaker icon (instead of a word from the context menu) to use this resource.
    • When used with constructed-response items, TTS is available in the notepad.
    • Any warning or advisory pop-up boxes can also be read aloud after a student selects the [TTS] speaker icon on the box.
  • The definition of embedded and non-embedded speech-to-text in Spanish were expanded to note that Spanish is available for the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics and CAST.
  • The embedded and non-embedded accommodation “word prediction” was renamed to “word completion.”


  • Several elements were added to the user interface in TOMS to provide LEA CAASPP coordinators with information at a glance, including information about changes to students’ test assignments, test settings, testing status, and demographic information.
  • A site CAASPP coordinator can access the [Testing Status] tab for a student within their school.

STAIRS and Appeals

  • STAIRS search results will indicate a note’s date and email address of the person who entered it.


  • As a result of a recent standard setting, CSA results will be reported using achievement levels.

Technical Specifications

Refer to the Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for Online Testing for information about the updated secure browser and operating system versions required for testing in the 2024–25 CAASPP administration.