Technology Resources

The Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for Online Testing provides technology coordinators information about supported technology and technology requirements and can be used to confirm that the school meets the minimum requirements for computer-based testing with the technical specifications for computer-based testing, including the following:

  • Information about internet and network requirements
  • Hardware and software requirements
  • Secure browser installation
  • Supported operating systems for student testing
  • Supported web browsers
  • Supported peripheral equipment for testing

The Bandwidth Checker can assist technology coordinators to assess network readiness by performing a real-time check of a school’s network bandwidth. Note that technology coordinators may want to run this test more than once and at different times of the day because estimates change as the network conditions change and can vary from run to run.

Finally, the Smarter Balanced Guide to Technology Readiness is intended to help school leaders better understand, plan for, and manage the technology necessary for the successful administration of Smarter Balanced assessments. It can help school leaders identify key questions about technology readiness for the Smarter Balanced assessment system, including what it means to be “technology ready” for the Smarter Balanced assessments.