Save ISAAP Files and Exit the ISAAP Tool

After the user finishes editing or adding students during the current session, the data must be saved to a file. The ISAAP Tool application does not store any data between sessions.

Saving ISAAP Files

There are three options for saving student data:

  1. The first option is to save student data as an “ISAAP FOR TOOL” file in a Microsoft Excel format.
    • No data is saved in the application from one session to another. Always save the “ISAAP FOR TOOL” file to be able to import it again in the future.
    • This saves all the entered data in a file format that can be imported back into the ISAAP Tool.
    • This file will be saved to the default download location with a file name of “Program Name_ISAAP_FOR_TOOL_2022_23_YYYYMMDD_ hhmmss.xlsx.”
      • The program name is CAASPP or ELPAC.
      • The current date is in the format of “YYYYMMDD” which identifies the 4-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day.
      • The current time is in the format of “hhmmss” which identifies the two-digit hour, two-digit minute, and two-digit second.
      • The format of the file is.xlsx.
  2. The second option is to save the student data as an “ISAAP FOR TOOL” file in a caret-delimited text format.
    • No data is saved in the application from one session to another.
      • Always save this format of the “ISAAP FOR TOOL” file for easier viewing and editing on some devices.
    • This saves all the entered data in a file format that can be imported back into the ISAAP Tool.
    • This file will be saved to the default download location with a file name of “Program Name_ISAAP_FOR_TOOL_2022_23_YYYYMMDD_ hhmmss.txt.”
      • The program name is CAASPP or ELPAC.
      • The current date is in the format of “YYYYMMDD” which identifies the four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day.
      • The current time is in the format of “hhmmss” which identifies the two-digit hour, two-digit minute, and two-digit second.
      • The format of the file is.txt.
  3. The third option is to save the student data as an “ISAAP FOR TOMS” file.
    • When all the accessibility resources for the students have been entered, the data can be saved in a file format acceptable for importing test settings into TOMS.
      • No changes can be made to the format of the file including the size of the columns. Changes may stop the file from working in TOMS.
    • This saves all the entered data in a file format that can be imported into TOMS.
    • This file will be saved to the default download location with a file name of “Program Name_ISAAP_FOR_TOMS_2022_23_YYYYMMDD_ hhmmss.xlsx.”
      • The program name is CAASPP or ELPAC.
      • The current date is in the format of “YYYYMMDD” which identifies the four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day.
      • The current time is in the format of “hhmmss” which identifies the two-digit hour, two-digit minute, and two-digit second.
    • Note that only those students marked with a completion status of “Y” will be saved in this file.
      • The completion status of “Y” indicates that the entry of a student’s accessibility resources has been completed and is ready to be imported to TOMS.

    Note that the format of both files is.xlsx.

Exiting the ISAAP Tool

After the files on the Save ISAAP Files web page have been successfully saved, there are two ways to exit the ISAAP Tool:

  • If there is no other ISAAP work to complete, simply close the browser.
  • Otherwise, select the [Back to (CAASPP|ELPAC) Student List] link at the top left of the Student Detail web page to return to the Student List web page.
    1. On the Student List web page, select the [Exit (CAASPP|ELPAC) ISAAP Tool] link at the top left of the page. A pop-up message contains a reminder that any unsaved data will not be saved.
    2. Select the [OK] button to continue. The ISAAP Tool home page appears, where a different program can be selected.
An ISAAP Tool session will remain active for 3 hours and 55 minutes of inactivity at which time the user will receive a Session Timeout Warning pop-up message indicating the session will expire in 5 minutes and all data entered will be lost if files are not saved.
  • Select the [OK] button to continue.
  • Select the [Exit ISAAP Tool] button to exit without saving any files.

If no action is taken, the session will expire and the user will be taken to the Session Expired web page.