Using the DFA

Before administering a test session, verify that the following tasks have been completed:

  • Ensure that TEs have completed the training and calibration requirements in the Moodle Training Site.
  • Ensure the TE is familiar with the instructions and testing guidelines in the PFA.
  • Review the How to Start an ELPAC Test Session web document for detailed instructions on logging on to TOMS and starting a test session.
  • Verify student test settings in TOMS are up to date, such as confirming designated supports and accommodations. The TE may add designated supports for a student taking the Initial ELPAC at the time of testing.
  • Verify the security of the testing environment prior to beginning a test session. (Refer to the Overview section of the Test Security chapter of this manual.)
  • Ensure that students do not have access to digital, electronic, or manual devices (e.g., cell phones, smart watches) during testing, unless it is an approved medical support.
  • If applicable, make sure each testing device or workstation has headphones or headsets (for use during a group administration of the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains). For the Speaking domain, headsets and a splitter for the test examiner and the student can be used during the Summarize an Academic Presentation task.
  • Recommended: Launch secure browsers on all testing devices before students sit down to test.

There are DFA documents in standard versions and versions for braille and visual impairments available for the following:

  • One DFA for all four domains for each grade level in K–2
  • For the Initial ELPAC
    • DFAs by grade span for all four domains (grade span three through five, grade span six through eight, and grade span nine through twelve)
  • For the Summative ELPAC
    • DFAs by grade span for the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains (grade span three through five, grade span six through eight, grade span nine and ten, and grade span eleven and twelve)
    • A DFA for the Speaking domain only for each of the grade spans in grades three through twelve

These DFAs will be available to LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and ELPAC TEs for downloading and printing in the TOMS [Resources] tab.

To ensure that all students are tested under the same conditions, the TE should adhere strictly to the script for administering the assessment unless a student is assigned the non-embedded designated support for Simplified Test Directions. The scripts for administering the assessment can be found in the DFA. When asked, the TE should answer questions raised by students but should never help the class or individual students with specific test items. No test items can be read to any student for any domain unless the student is assigned a read-aloud non-embedded designated support for the Writing domain.

All directions that a TE needs to read to students are indicated by the bolded word “SAY” and are in boxes so that they stand out from the regular text. The directions should be read exactly as they are written, using a natural tone and manner. If the TE makes a mistake in reading a direction, then the TE should stop and say, “I made a mistake. Let me say it correctly.” Then the direction should be reread.

The TE should try to maintain a natural classroom atmosphere during the test administration. Before each assessment begins, the TE should encourage students to do their best. Any time a student logs on to the testing system, the TE should follow the DFA script.