Materials Handling

If the LEA has been identified by the CDE as part of the RSVP or Form 2 second scoring, please read the following information pertaining to returning the scannable Answer Books to ETS.

The Initial ELPAC test materials are secure, scannable test materials and must be treated as such. Initial ELPAC scannable Writing Answer Books that are used for student testing in K–2 must be returned to ETS by the LEA ELPAC coordinator for scoring in accordance with the schedule in the next section.

It is recommended that the LEA hold the Answer Books for approximately one month after testing is completed and scored locally and scores have been reported to parents/‌guardians. This one-month period allows parents/guardians an opportunity to discuss their child’s Initial ELPAC results with their teacher prior to the LEA returning the test materials to ETS. This extra time allows for the correction of classification errors process, if applicable. After the month has passed, the LEA should securely pack the scannable test materials and prepare them for mailing to ETS.

Unused Initial ELPAC test materials do not need to be returned to ETS. LEAs are required to ensure that all used and unused 2024–25 Initial ELPAC test materials are locally and securely destroyed at the end of the test administration window as they will not be used for future testing.

Schedule for Scannable Test Materials Return

As part of the 10 percent of LEAs identified by the CDE to participate in the RSVP or Form 2 second scoring, scannable Initial ELPAC test materials administered between the months of July and October 2024 are to be returned to ETS. Table 1, which follows, is the schedule for returning test materials to ETS:

Table 1. Test Materials Return Dates

Initial ELPAC Administration Date LEA Pickup Schedule
July 3 through August 2, 2024 September 6, 2024
August 5 to September 3, 2024 October 14, 2024
September 4 to September 27, 2024 October 25, 2024
September 30 to October 31, 2024 December 9, 2024

LEA ELPAC Coordinator Procedures

LEA ELPAC coordinators need to consider the following steps as they prepare to return materials:

  • Precoded GISs and a set of Pre-ID labels will be sent to the LEA ELPAC coordinator from ETS approximately one month after score reports have been generated in TOMS. Pre-ID labels will be generated between August and November 2024.
  • The LEA ELPAC coordinator must send the precoded GISs to the appropriate site ELPAC coordinators.
  • Pre-ID labels may be sent, at the LEA ELPAC coordinators discretion, to the appropriate site ELPAC coordinators. The LEA ELPAC coordinator must ensure that all Pre-ID labels are properly affixed to the corresponding student Answer Books according to the instructions provided with the Pre-ID labels.
  • LEA ELPAC coordinators should create a schedule of when test materials are to be returned to the LEA in preparation for shipping to ETS.
  • The LEA ELPAC coordinator should return only Answer Books with Pre-ID labels to ETS, once per month, according to the test materials return dates (table 1).
  • To serve as a reference for both the LEA and ETS as to what is being returned in each shipment, an LEA ELPAC coordinator has the option to download and complete the ELPAC School/Group List.
  • Should sites require additional white return cartons, the LEA ELPAC coordinator may request additional cartons or GISs, by completing and submitting the Carton and GIS Request Form. Materials must be returned in only the white return cartons provided by ETS.

Site ELPAC Coordinator Procedures

Site ELPAC coordinators need to consider the following details and steps as they prepare to return materials:

  • Secure, scannable Answer Books must be returned to the LEA ELPAC coordinator for only those students who test during the period of July 1 to October 31, 2024.
  • Precoded GISs are provided for tallying the total number of Answer Books to be submitted by grade level or grade span.
  • If the site ELPAC coordinator receives Pre-ID labels for those students who tested the month prior, those should be affixed to the Answer Books according to the instructions provided with the Pre-ID labels. This should occur once per month, between August and November.
  • Check Answer Books prior to packing to ensure inclusion of student responses and determine whether there are any extra materials that may cause scanning issues (table 2).
    • Answer Books with no written responses should not be sent to ETS.
    • The secure, scannable Answer Books should be packed and delivered to the LEA ELPAC coordinator in accordance with the packing instructions that follow.
    • Site ELPAC coordinators should coordinate with their LEA ELPAC coordinator on when to return their test materials.
  • LEAs have the option to download and complete the ELPAC School/Group List, when returning Answer Books to serve as a reference for both the LEA and ETS as to what is being returned in each shipment. ETS recommends keeping a copy of the completed ELPAC School/Group List for LEA records.
  • Return test materials in the white cartons provided. Contact the LEA ELPAC coordinator to order additional white cartons.
  • Unused test materials do not need to be returned to the LEA ELPAC coordinator. They must be securely stored on-site to be used for future testing. However, site coordinators should confirm with the LEA ELPAC coordinator for LEA guidance.
  • The site ELPAC coordinator should follow the directions provided by the LEA ELPAC coordinator for the secure destruction of used test materials from administrations that occur from November 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.

Table 2. Potential Scanning Problems and Resolutions

  • Scratch paper
  • Sticky notes
  • Staples
  • Pins or paper clips
Remove the extraneous material.
  • Paper damaged by erasures
  • Tape or sticky labels of any kind
  • Ripped or torn sheets
  • Grease marks
  • Coffee spills
  • Bodily fluids
  • Highlighting, colored pencil, crayon, or pen marks

Transfer student responses to an unused Answer Book. Transfer responses exactly as written by the student, including errors, and have a second person review the transcription for accuracy.

Write “Voided” on the front of the damaged Answer Book.

  • Light marks
  • Incomplete erasures
  • Stray marks
  • Smudges
Erase light marks or make them heavier as needed.
  • Student writing on separate sheets of paper

Remove the paper and transcribe the writing to the appropriate writing box in the Answer Book, if necessary. Transfer responses exactly as written by the student, including errors, and have a second person review the transcription for accuracy.

Securely destroy the sheets of paper.

  • Writing in the margins of the book or outside the box provided for the response
Do nothing; however, note that only responses within the boxes will be scored.

Pack and Ship Test Materials to LEAs

It is critical that the directions for returning test materials listed in the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC Selected LEAs for the RSVP or Kindergarten Form 2 Field Test User Instructions for Test Materials Handling After Testing are followed. These detailed instructions are posted on the RSVP and Second Scoring for the Initial ELPAC web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website. These instructions are also included with the test materials sent to the LEA in the site ELPAC coordinator and LEA ELPAC coordinator kits. When preparing materials to be returned, always use the precoded GISs provided by the LEA ELPAC coordinator.

Fill Out GISs

When preparing materials to be returned, always use the precoded GIS forms provided by the LEA ELPAC coordinator. A sample of a blank GIS is shown in figure 1 for reference. Do not share precoded GIS forms. Do not use a photocopy of the GIS. Use the GIS that was sent with the Pre-ID labels or blank ones provided in the coordinator kit. Do not use a GIS from a previous administration.

ELPAC Group Identification Sheet (GIS) form

Figure 1. ELPAC GIS

Refer to table 3 for a list of the GIS form fields and their descriptions.

Table 3. GIS Form Fields

1 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY/SCHOOL NAME Clearly write the name of the LEA and school.
2 SCHOOL NAME The circles under the school name have been precoded.
3 COUNTY-DISTRICT-SCHOOL CODE The county-district-school code has been precoded.
4 CHARTER CODE The charter code has been precoded for charter schools.
5 GRADE Write in the grade of the group and fill in the corresponding circle.
6 NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SCORED Write in the exact number of documents to be scored for the grade group and fill in the corresponding circles.

Items to Be Returned

Return used and completed with student responses and secure, scannable Answer Books (K–2) with Pre-ID labels for students who tested from July 1 to October 31, 2024.

Items That Do Not Need to Be Returned

Securely store the following materials on-site for future use:

  • Unused secure, scannable Answer Books (K–2)
  • All unopened Answer Books (K–2)
  • Unused paper bands
  • Unused white cartons

Securely destroy the following materials:

  • Student rosters
  • Unused Pre-ID labels
  • Secure, scannable Answer Books that were damaged during testing
  • Voided Answer Books
  • Used Answer Books of students who tested after October 31, 2024

Secure Destruction of Used Test Materials

CCR, Title 5, Division 1, Chapter 11, Subchapter 7.6, Article 5; the ELPAC Test Security Agreement; and the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit require LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and all persons who come in contact with ELPAC test materials to take all necessary precautions to safeguard all tests and test materials. At the end of each school year, LEAs are required to ensure that all used Initial ELPAC test materials are locally and securely destroyed.

At the end of each Initial ELPAC testing window, LEA ELPAC coordinators must

  • arrange for the secure destruction of used Initial ELPAC materials, and
  • indicate the LEA’s method of destruction by completing an online certification form that will be made available to LEA ELPAC coordinators via email communication close to the end of the administration window.