After Testing, Initial ELPAC—Non-RSVP

Locally Scoring Answer Books

Initial ELPAC Answer Books must be locally scored by qualified, trained personnel such as the TE. The TE should follow the information provided on the grade level– or grade span–specific DFA for guidance on local scoring. A TE must use the Writing score sheet in the back of a student’s Answer Book to denote the score for each item. After the scores are noted in the score sheet, designated LEA personnel will enter these scores in the DEI. The Writing scores entered in the DEI will be merged with the Speaking scores also entered in the DEI and the computer-based scores from the Listening and Reading domains. Once all domain scores have been merged, the Initial ELPAC SSR will be available to the LEA to download and print from TOMS.

Handling Initial ELPAC Test Materials

Initial ELPAC test materials received from ETS should be kept secure at all times as the administration window continues until June 30, 2025. The following information describes the handling of test materials after testing.

Returning Special Test Version Materials

If special test version materials are ordered, the bundle received will include the test materials along with instructions for returning used test materials to ETS. Follow the information on the packet to return all of the special test version materials after local scoring and printing of the SSR and Initial Parent Notification Letter for parents/guardians. The sample of the Initial Parent Notification Letter template is available on the Parent Notification web page on the CDE website.

Securely Destroying Used Test Materials

Per CCR, Title 5, Division 1, Chapter 11, Subchapter 7.6, Article 5; the ELPAC Test Security Agreement; and the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit require LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and all persons who come in contact with ELPAC test materials to take all necessary precautions to safeguard all tests and test materials. At the end of each school year, LEAs are required to ensure that all used and unused Initial ELPAC test materials are locally and securely destroyed.

At the end of each Initial ELPAC administration year, LEA ELPAC coordinators must complete the following:

  • Securely destroy the following materials after the end of the test administration window, June 30, 2025, as directed by the testing contractor:
    • Used Answer Books or those damaged during testing
    • Voided Answer Books
    • Unused secure Answer Books (K–2)
    • All unopened Answer Books (K–2)
    • Printed DFAs
  • Indicate the LEA’s method of destruction by completing an online certification form that will be made available to LEA ELPAC coordinators via email communication close to the end of the administration window.