After Testing, Site ELPAC Coordinator

Reviewing Answer Books

Prior to returning materials to the LEA ELPAC coordinator, the site ELPAC coordinator must review student responses on the Answer Books for completeness and ensure that

  • the SSID number and student name are accurate;
  • a Pre-ID label, if provided by the LEA ELPAC coordinator, is affixed to every Answer Book and matches the written name on the Answer Book, or else student information is marked on the front cover;
  • responses are filled in completely using a No. 2 pencil and stray marks are erased completely; and
  • the Writing sheet at the back of the Answer Book has been completed (Initial ELPAC only),
  • the Writing scores have been entered in the DEI (Initial ELPAC only), and
  • the Speaking scores have been entered in the DEI.

Summative ELPAC: Filling Out Group Identification Sheets

When preparing materials to be returned, always use the precoded GIS forms provided by the LEA ELPAC coordinator. A sample of a blank GIS is shown in figure 1 for reference. Do not share precoded GIS forms. Do not use a photocopy of the GIS. Use the GIS that was sent with the Pre-ID labels or blank ones provided in the Site ELPAC Coordinator Kit. Do not use a GIS from a previous administration.

ELPAC Group Identification Sheet (GIS) form

Figure 1. ELPAC GIS

Refer to table 1 for a list of the GIS fields and their descriptions.

Table 1. GIS Fields

1 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY/SCHOOL NAME Clearly write the name of the LEA and school.
2 SCHOOL NAME The circles under the school name have been precoded.
3 COUNTY-DISTRICT-SCHOOL CODE The county-district-school code has been precoded.
4 CHARTER CODE The charter code has been precoded for charter schools.
5 GRADE Write in the grade level of the group and fill in the corresponding circle.
6 NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SCORED Write in the exact number of documents to be scored for the grade-level group and fill in the corresponding circles.

Handling Test Materials

The ELPAC test materials are secure test materials and must be treated as such. ELPAC scannable Answer Books that are used for student testing must be returned to ETS by the LEA ELPAC coordinator in accordance with the instructions provided in the Initial ELPAC or Summative ELPAC Packing and Return Instructions document that was included with the K–2 Writing test materials.

To serve as a reference for both the LEA and ETS as to what is being returned in each shipment, an LEA ELPAC coordinator has the option to download and use the ELPAC School/Group List web document for tracking.