Before Testing

LEA ELPAC Coordinator

Ordering Writing Answer Books for K–2

The Writing domain for K–2 is a PPT. The K–2 Writing Answer Books are ordered in TOMS by the LEA ELPAC coordinator. LEAs will have the opportunity to confirm the quantity needed for each school in the LEA prior to placing the test material order for individual school sites. For the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC, there will be a primary ordering window from April 15 to May 10, 2024, for LEAs to place a test materials order for individual school sites. For the 2024–25 Summative ELPAC, there will be a primary ordering window from November 1 to December 20, 2024, for LEAs to order test materials for individual school sites.

Initial ELPAC Supplemental Orders: LEA ELPAC coordinators can order additional test materials during the Supplemental Test Materials Order Window from May 13, 2024, to June 6, 2025. The LEA ELPAC coordinator can place supplemental orders in TOMS. It is important that LEAs place their test materials orders as soon as possible to ensure delivery in time for the start of testing. Refer to table 1 in the Test Scheduling subsection of this manual for a list of key dates. This information can also be found on the Initial ELPAC web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.

Summative ELPAC Supplemental Orders: LEAs can order additional test materials during the Supplemental Test Materials Order Window from January 13 to May 9, 2025. The LEA ELPAC coordinator can place supplemental orders in TOMS or by calling the assigned LEA Success Agent. It is important that LEAs place their test material orders as soon as possible to ensure delivery in time for the start of testing. Refer to table 1 in the Test Scheduling subsection of this manual for a list of key dates.

Avoiding Ordering Excessive Materials

When placing orders for ELPAC test materials, it is important to note that a certain percentage of materials is allocated as an overage for orders placed during the primary ordering window—an additional10 percent for the Initial ELPAC and an additional 5 percent of materials for the Summative ELPAC. Historical ELPAC order counts are maintained in TOMS and are available for comparison to current 2024–25 ELPAC counts.

Initial ELPAC

The Initial ELPAC counts from the 2023–24 test administration will be compared to current Initial ELPAC orders. If the difference for any order is 10 percent greater than the order for the administration of the previous year, the system will display a warning message (figure 1) indicating that the quantity may be excessive. Although there will be no charge for excessive materials ordering, LEAs are asked to be cautious when placing test material orders and use the prior year’s information as guidance.

Warning message box

Figure 1. Warning message box

Summative ELPAC

LEAs are asked to be cautious when placing test material orders and use the prior year’s information as guidance. LEAs will be charged a fee per document for excessive orders calculated by the number of test materials shipped versus the number used minus the additional 5 percent. Additional information on excessive materials calculations and the charges the LEAs will incur is located on the Summative ELPAC web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.

The following system formulas are in place to warn of the potential for excessive materials charges:

  • For kindergarten orders, if the difference for any order is 10 percent greater than the order for the administration of the previous year, the system will display a warning message indicating that the quantity may be excessive.
  • For grade one and grade two orders, if the difference for any order is 10 percent greater than the number of students eligible to take the 2024–25 Summative ELPAC (per CALPADS data), the system will display a warning message (figure 2) indicating that the quantity may be excessive.

    Uploaded File warning message example

    Figure 2. Uploaded File: Warning message

Receiving and Inventorying Test Materials

Follow these inventory steps to prepare test materials before testing:

  1. Count all school and LEA boxes immediately upon receipt. Verify that each school will receive the correct number of boxes according to the numbers shown on the box labels (for example, “1 of 10,” “2 of 10”).
  2. Report missing or damaged boxes. Immediately contact the assigned LEA Success Agent if any boxes are missing, damaged, or if boxes addressed to another LEA were received.
  3. Inventory LEA test materials against the shipping notice(s). Note any overages, shortages, or the incorrect receipt of test materials on the shipping notice(s). A copy of each LEA’s shipping notice(s), which provides documentation of the contents of the school boxes, is provided with the LEA packing list for reference.
    • Overages—receiving more or different test materials than stated on the shipping notice(s)
    • Shortages—missing items or missing one or more boxes in the shipment
  4. Provide school materials to site ELPAC coordinators. Forward the boxes of materials to the schools identified on the box labels. Remind site ELPAC coordinators that they must retain the boxes for use in securely storing test materials.
  5. Report overages and shortages. After the site ELPAC coordinators inventory test materials, they must report overages, shortages, or incorrect grade level materials to the LEA ELPAC coordinator immediately.

Using LEA Overage Test Materials (as Needed)

LEAs will receive an overage of test materials in the boxes labeled for the LEA. Use these test materials for reference and provide them to schools as needed.

Initial ELPAC: If additional test materials are needed, LEA ELPAC coordinators can order them through TOMS. Supplemental orders will be delivered within 10 to 14 business days.

Summative ELPAC: If additional test materials are needed, LEA ELPAC coordinators should first check with other schools within the LEA in case enrollments have shifted. If no materials are available, LEA ELPAC coordinators can place supplemental orders through TOMS or by contacting their LEA Success Agent; the orders will be delivered within 10 to 14 business days.

Preparing for Testing

To prepare for testing, the LEA ELPAC coordinator should do the following:

  • Read through materials. Review this ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual in its entirety. Become familiar with all testing and administration procedures.
  • Confirm security forms are being electronically signed in TOMS. Monitor and keep an electronic record of the completion of the ELPAC Test Security Agreements and the ELPAC Test Security Affidavits from all site ELPAC coordinators through TOMS. Use the Security Form and Remote Administration Status Report in TOMS under the [Reports] tab for tracking completions.
  • Ensure that sites have adequate testing materials and excess materials are redistributed throughout the LEA as necessary.
  • Complete or designate someone to complete the Initial ELPAC or Summative ELPAC LEA certification in Moodle and check on the progress of TE training on the Moodle Training Site.
  • Ensure that the site ELPAC coordinator and the TE(s) are aware of the security, inventory, and tracking requirements for keeping all test materials in a secure location prior to, during, and after testing.
  • Send precoded GISs and Pre-ID labels to the appropriate site ELPAC coordinators.

Site ELPAC Coordinator

Receiving and Inventorying Test Materials

The LEA ELPAC coordinator will provide each school or site with all test materials and forms needed for testing. The site ELPAC coordinator should follow these steps to prepare for testing:

  • STEP 1: Locate the school shipping notice(s) enclosed in the test materials shipment. A shipping notice will be at the top of each box received.
  • STEP 2: Report overages and shortages to the LEA ELPAC coordinator. Inventory all test materials against the shipping notice(s) immediately after receipt from the LEA. Report any overages, shortages, or receipt of the wrong materials to the LEA ELPAC coordinator immediately.

    • Overages—receiving more or different test materials than stated on the shipping notice(s)
    • Shortages—missing or damaged items or boxes in the shipment
  • STEP 3: Retain boxes. Keep all test materials in a secure, locked location. Retain the original shipping boxes, as they will be used to store test materials until the end of the administration window.
  • STEP 4: Discuss security with all designated staff handling ELPAC test materials. Ensure that designated staff, such as TEs and proctors, understand the security, inventory, and tracking requirements for keeping all test materials in a secure location prior to, during, and after testing. Retain electronic records of all ELPAC-designated school staff’s affidavits on site for 12 months.

Preparing for Testing

  • Read through materials. Review this ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual and the corresponding PFA and DFA in their entirety. Become familiar with all testing and site administrative procedures.
  • Confirm security forms are being electronically signed.
    • Use TOMS to monitor and keep an electronic record of the completion of the ELPAC Test Security Affidavits for TEs. Proctors, along with all others handling ELPAC test materials, must also electronically sign the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit for Non-TOMS Users linked in the “Test Security Forms” section on the Test Security web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website prior to accessing test materials.
    • Coordinators will be emailed a copy for their records.
    • Use the Security Forms Status Report in TOMS, under the [Reports] navigation tab, for tracking completions; or the LEA ELPAC coordinator should contact the assigned LEA Success Agent for a list of individuals in the LEA who have submitted the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit for Non-TOMS Users.
  • Discuss security with all designated staff handling ELPAC test materials.

Organizing and Distributing Test Materials

Each school will receive sufficient test materials for the site to administer the ELPAC. Additionally, the school will receive a Site ELPAC Coordinator Kit that includes the following:

  • Return instructions
  • Packing tape
  • Paper bands

Distribute test materials to the TEs. Each TE must verify receipt of the appropriate test materials and access to the DFAs in TOMS. The site ELPAC coordinator should ensure the TE has read and understands the instructions provided in the PFA.

Additional materials needed by TEs include the following:

Preparing Test Books and Answer Books

The front and back covers of the Answer Book are the demographics pages containing important student- and school-related information that must be filled in accurately. Site ELPAC coordinators or TEs should ensure the demographics information is accurate and complete for all students.

Refer to figure 3 and the steps provided after the figure, and in the following subsections, for further information on how to ensure the demographics pages for students are complete. Specifically, staff should ensure there are no extraneous marks on the demographics pages and that all stray marks are erased completely because these pages are scanned.

Sample grade two Summative ELPAC Answer Book front cover Sample grade two Summative ELPAC Answer Book back cover

Figure 3. Sample student Answer Book front and back cover, with fields

Refer to table 1 for a list of the demographic fields and their descriptions.

Table 1. Demographic Fields on K–2 Writing Answer Book


Starting at the left, print one letter of the student’s last name in each box. If the student’s last name has more letters than there are boxes, print only as many letters as there are boxes. For example, if the last name is Aschenbrenner, fill in the boxes as shown in the sample:

Last Name box as it appears on the front cover of the answer book

If the student’s first name has more letters than there are boxes, print only as many letters as there are boxes.

In the space labeled “MI,” print the student’s middle initial. If the student does not have a middle initial, leave this space blank.

Fill in the corresponding circles for each letter. Fill in the empty circles to indicate a blank space.

2 TEACHER/TEST EXAMINER, SCHOOL, LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY, LOCAL USE Print the name of the teacher, the name of the school, and the name of the LEA. The “Local Use” section may be used for any additional information needed for student identification or any purpose defined by the LEA.

Print the month, day, and year of the student’s date of birth in the appropriate spaces and fill in the corresponding circles.

For Day, one digit in each column must be filled in. If the day is between one and nine, precede it with a leading zero, as in 01, 02, 03, etc.

For Year, fill in the circle for 20 before filling in the remaining circles.

The field where the month, day, and year are entered on the front page of the Answer Book


This grade circle is prefilled depending on the grade level to which the Answer Book applies.

Ensure that the grade level in the Answer Book matches the student’s grade level.

5 GENDER Refer to TOMS.

If the LEA or school does not use local student numbers, leave this field blank or use it to track any additional information that is of importance to the LEA.

Starting at the right, print one digit of the student’s number in each box and fill in the corresponding circles. Note: This field is right-justified, so include leading zero(s) if the ID number has fewer than 15 digits.


Starting at the left, print one digit of the SSID in each box. All students should have an SSID (10 digits). Fill in the corresponding circles for each number.

The field where the Statewide Student Identifier is entered on the front page of the Answer Book


This field must be filled in for all students at the time of testing. Print the “Day” to indicate the last day the student’s testing was completed in the appropriate spaces and fill in the corresponding circles. This is a required field. Do not leave this blank.

For Day, one digit in each column must be filled in, and if the day is between one and nine, precede it with a leading zero, as in 01, 02, 03, etc.

9 NO RESPONSE OPTIONAL—LOCAL USE This field is optional and can be used at the discretion of the LEA. It may be used to distinguish that the student was administered the Writing domain but did not provide responses during testing, which would account for a blank or semiblank Answer Book.
10 OPTIONAL—LOCAL USE This is an optional field for LEA use.