Test Administration Features

Test Design and Administration Guidelines

Both the Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC are computer-based, linear (nonadaptive), grade-level assessments for students in K–12. The Initial ELPAC is for students in K–12 whose primary language is a language other than English and who have an ELAS of TBD in CALPADS. The Summative ELPAC is for students who are ELs. Both assessments are designed for one-on-one administration between a single student and a TE for K–2 and for group administration for grades three through twelve. The exceptions are as follows:

  • Speaking domain—one-on-one administration for all grade levels
  • Writing domain—small-group administration optional for grade two

Test Administration

In the one-on-one administration of the Listening, Reading, and Speaking domains for students in K–2, TEs enter the responses for the student in the TDS on behalf of the student. For grades three through twelve, the students enter the responses individually and independently in the testing interface, with the test session being monitored by the TE through the Test Administrator Interface. Test administration for grades three through twelve may be one-on-one or group administration depending on a student’s familiarity with technology.

The K–2 Writing domain is a PPT. LEAs order paper Writing Answer Books in TOMS. If an LEA requires a braille version of the Writing assessment or a large-print version of the K–2 Writing Answer Books, these can also be ordered through TOMS.


Initial ELPAC

Initial ELPAC Speaking and Writing domains are locally scored by the TE or designated, trained LEA staff:

  • The Speaking domain must be administered using the TDS. The TE scores a student’s responses in the moment, either by entering scores directly into the DEI or onto the Speaking Student Score Sheet, to be entered as soon as possible following the administration—preferably the same day—in the DEI.
  • The Writing responses for students in K–2 are written into the Answer Book and scored by the TE. After local scoring, the Writing scores are entered into the DEI.
  • The Writing responses from students in grades three through twelve are entered into the TDS. The TE or designated trained LEA staff scores these responses in the THSS.

Completing these steps ensures that the Writing and Speaking domain scores can be merged with the Listening and Reading scores to produce an SSR.

Summative ELPAC

Students in K–2 write their responses to the ELPAC Writing domain in paper Answer Books. LEAs mail the completed Answer Books to ETS for scoring.

The Speaking domain for all grade levels and grade spans must be administered using the TDS. The TE scores a student’s responses in the moment, either by entering scores directly into the DEI or onto the Speaking Student Score Sheet, to be entered as soon as possible following the administration, preferably the same day in the DEI; this is discussed further in the Scoring the Speaking Domain Locally subsection of this manual.

Additionally, for the Summative ELPAC, field test items will be included in some test forms. LEAs will be assigned a test form and will be notified of the test form assignment prior to the start of the testing window and before training is available. For more information, as well as a tool for looking up the forms assignment, refer to the Summative ELPAC Form Assignments web page.

Technical Requirements

The computer-based ELPAC is administered online and requires two internet-connected devices: a student testing device and a separate device that the ELPAC TE uses to start a test session through the Test Administrator Interface. ELPAC TEs may also use their device to access

  • the DFAs that are posted in TOMS;
  • the DEI, for entering the locally scored Speaking (for all grade levels and grade spans) and Writing (for Initial ELPAC K–2 students only) test scores; and
  • the THSS, to score the submitted Writing assessments for grades three through twelve students (Initial ELPAC only).

The computer-based ELPAC requires the installation of secure browsers on student testing devices. These are the same secure browsers that are used for CAASPP. Secure browsers are available for download on the Secure Browsers web page.

The general technical requirements and supported devices are also similar to those for CAASPP. These are described in the CAASPP and ELPAC Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for Online Testing.

The computer-based ELPAC contains directions and stimuli that are provided via audio files within the Student Testing Interface, so it is recommended that for one-on-one administrations, the audio component be played on the device’s built-in or external speakers and that, for group administrations, headphones or headsets be used.

The Speaking domain uses voice-capture technology. LEAs are encouraged to administer the Speaking domain using student testing devices with built-in recording or microphone capabilities or headphones or headsets with microphones in an area where outside sounds are minimized. The Speaking domain must be locally scored, and scores must be entered into the DEI immediately after testing.

Prior to the start of the testing session, it is recommended that TEs test the audio (adjust volume) and voice-capture functionality of the student devices. When the test session has started, adjusting the audio volume will require the student to log off the TDS.


The PFA is a nonsecure document that contains information and instructions for preparing to administer the ELPAC in all formats—in person, remotely, or using braille—that were previously provided in the DFAs. The coordinators and TEs should review the PFA in advance of testing to become familiar with testing guidelines for the ELPAC, including information for before, during, and after testing. Guidance is also provided on pause and expiration rules, pausing and ending the assessment, seating arrangements, and more. There is one PFA for K–2 and one for grades three through twelve. The PFAs are posted on the Administer a Test Session web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website and on the Moodle Training Site.


The DFAs for the ELPAC include test day instructions and must be used by the ELPAC TE to administer assessments to students. Administration instructions for the Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing domains are included in one DFA for each of kindergarten, grade one, and grade two. Grades three through twelve DFAs include administration instructions for the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains and separate DFAs for Speaking domain instructions for each grade span. The DFAs also include the test administration script for the ELPAC TE to use at the beginning of testing and provides administration guidance for the day of testing. In-person and remote testing directions are provided in the DFAs. Additionally, there are DFAs for visual impairment/braille administration for each respective DFA version noted previously. These should be used when administering the assessment to students with visual impairments.

The Speaking DFAs, including the DFA for K–2, contain a Speaking Student Score Sheet, which is provided for optional use by the TE to record a student’s Speaking scores in the moment instead of entering them directly into the DEI during the Speaking domain administration. TEs can use the Speaking Student Score Sheet to enter the student’s Speaking scores into the DEI after the student’s assessment has been submitted; refer to the Scoring the Speaking Domain Locally subsection of this manual for this process.

For the Initial ELPAC only: For K–2, the Speaking Student Score Sheet is also included in the Writing Answer Book. TEs can use this student score sheet to enter the student’s Speaking scores into the DEI after the student’s assessment has been submitted.

LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and ELPAC TEs can access PDFs of the DFAs by selecting the [Resources] tab on the top navigation bar in TOMS. Each assigned test form has its own DFA. DFAs will not be printed and shipped to the LEAs.

When accessing the DFAs in TOMS, site ELPAC coordinators and TEs will have access only to the DFA associated with the form that was assigned to the school, and LEA ELPAC coordinators will continue to have access to all forms of the DFA. Form assignments are found on the Form Assignments, Second Scoring, and RSVP web page.

Do not send these DFAs via email since these are secure materials.

All users will have access to the visual impairment/braille forms of the DFAs, which should be used when administering the assessment to students with visual impairments.

Test Scheduling

Testing Window and Test Times

The Initial ELPAC testing window will be open from July 3, 2024, through June 30, 2025. Pursuant to 5 CCR Section 11518.5(e), Initial ELPAC testing and parent/guardian notification of results must be done within 30 calendar days after students are first enrolled in a California public school or 60 calendar days prior to instruction, but not before July 1. LEAs may schedule testing according to local preference within this window and do not need to inform the CDE or ETS. All testing must take place within this window.

The Summative ELPAC testing window opens on February 1 (or the following Monday if February 1 falls on a weekend) and continues through May 31 (or the Friday before that if May 31 falls on a weekend). All testing must take place within this window. Any eligible student who is enrolled during the window must be tested. LEAs have discretion to schedule testing according to local preference within this window and do not need to inform the CDE or ETS. However, all STAIRS cases must be submitted one week before the final day of the testing window to ensure that cases are approved with adequate time to allow students to complete testing by the final day of the testing window.

Key Dates

Table 1 lists key dates for the ELPAC administration.

Table 1. List of Key Dates

Date Activity
April 15 to May 10, 2024 Initial ELPAC primary ordering window for K–2 Writing Answer Books (standard, braille, and large print)—All LEAs order new Writing Answer Books for the 2024–25 test administration.
Middle of May to first week of June 2024 Estimated delivery of materials for Initial ELPAC orders received from April 15 to May 10
May 13, 2024, to June 6, 2025 Initial ELPAC supplemental ordering window for K–2 Writing Answer Books and braille and large-print test materials (delivered 10 to 14 days after order has been placed)
July 3, 2024 Initial ELPAC test administration window opening
November 1 to December 20, 2024 Summative ELPAC primary ordering window for K–2 Writing Answer Books (standard and large print)
Week of January 13, 2025 LEAs that ordered materials for the Summative ELPAC in November receive K–2 Writing Answer Books shipment
Week of January 13, 2025 LEAs that ordered materials for the Summative ELPAC in December receiving K–2 Writing Answer Books shipment
January 13 to May 9, 2025 Summative ELPAC supplemental ordering window for K–2 Writing Answer Books (delivered 10 to 14 days after order has been placed)
January 13, 2025 Round 1 printing of Pre-ID labels for students in K–2 only for the Summative ELPAC
February 1, 2025 Summative ELPAC administration window opening
February 7 and 21, 2025 Dates to return completed K–2 Writing Answer Books for the Summative ELPAC to ETS in February for scoring
March 10, 2025 Round 2 printing of Pre-ID labels for the Summative ELPAC for newly enrolled students in K–2 only
March 7 and 21, 2025 Dates to return completed K–2 Writing Answer Books for the Summative ELPAC to ETS in March for scoring
April 4 and 18, 2025 Dates to return completed K–2 Writing Answer Books for the Summative ELPAC to ETS in April for scoring
May 2 and 16, 2025 Dates to return completed K–2 Writing Answer Books for the Summative ELPAC to ETS in May for scoring
May 30, 2025 Summative ELPAC administration window closing
June 13, 2025 Final date to return completed K–2 Writing Answer Books for the Summative ELPAC to ETS for scoring (Writing Answer Books received after this date will not be processed.)
June 30, 2025 Initial ELPAC test administration window closing