Test Administration Options

It is recommended that the LEA offer one of the following two test administration options to meet the needs of the families the LEA serves:

  1. In-person administration
  2. Remote administration

An LEA should implement in-person administration of the ELPAC as the primary method of conducting the assessment. An LEA should only offer remote test administration to students as an option if a student is receiving distance-learning instruction or to a student who has documented health concerns. Finally, the administration of PPTs should not be offered remotely, but PPTs are available during in-person test administration for students who have an IEP or Section 504 plan requiring an ELPAC PPT.

LEAs may use a combination of test administration options. However, the administration style should not change in the middle of administering a domain. While a student might complete the Listening and Speaking domains in person and the Reading and Writing domains through remote test administration, a student should not start the Speaking domain via remote test administration and then complete the Speaking domain in person unless no other option is available.

In-Person Test Administration

In-person or test administration occurs when the TE and student are in the same room while completing the assessment. It offers the greatest opportunity for ensuring test security by limiting the number of persons able to view assessment questions and other secure testing materials. It also removes several potential obstacles by allowing the TE to see and hear what is happening during testing.

Remote Test Administration

LEAs should only offer a remote test administration option to a student receiving distance-learning instruction or a student who has documented health concerns. Because it is necessary to monitor students online during remote test administration, LEAs must provide parents/guardians with either the Initial ELPAC testing notification letter or the Summative ELPAC testing notification letter; these are found on the Notification Letter Templates web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website. The Initial ELPAC and certain domains of the Summative ELPAC allow for students to access the web-based Student Testing Interface through a web browser. Please refer to the Remote Testing chapter in this manual for more information on appropriate web browsers and other information.