PPT Administration Information

This section of the manual provides information about the ELPAC PPT administration for all domains. Use this section to become familiar with the general rules for paper–pencil testing, how to prepare for the assessment, and what students will experience when participating in the assessment. LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and TEs should become familiar with this section well in advance of the test administration date to make sure that materials for distribution to students are prepared and made available prior to the administration of the assessment.

Only students with documented accessibility needs or schools that require PPT materials because of an emergency (e.g., natural disaster, technology issues) should be testing on paper–pencil ELPAC test materials. To receive PPT emergency form materials, an LEA ELPAC coordinator must complete and submit the CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams online questionnaire. This request must be approved by the CDE prior to the LEA receiving paper materials.

For Initial ELPAC paper–pencil testing in kindergarten through grade twelve, all student responses or scores must be entered into the DEI. Refer to the Using the DEI chapter in this manual for instructions on entering PPT student responses and scores into the DEI.

For Summative ELPAC K–2 paper–pencil testing, students are administered the PPT on scannable Answer Books that must be returned to ETS for scoring. For paper–pencil testing in grades three through twelve, all student responses or scores must be entered into the DEI. Refer to Using the DEI chapter of this manual for these instructions.

PPT Versions

The following is a list of the PPT materials that are available for the Initial ELPAC:

  • Standard Nonscannable Test Book/Answer Book (K–2)
  • Standard Nonscannable Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Standard Test Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Standard Examiner’s Manual (K–12)
  • Braille Nonscannable Answer Book (K–2)
  • Braille Nonscannable Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Braille Test Book (K–12)
  • Braille Examiner’s Manual (K–12)
  • Large-Print Test Book/Answer Book (K–2)
  • Large-Print Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Large-Print Test Book (grades three through twelve)

The following is a list of the PPT materials that are available for the Summative ELPAC:

  • Standard Scannable Test Book/Answer Book (K–2)
  • Standard Nonscannable Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Standard Test Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Standard Examiner’s Manual (K–12)
  • Braille Scannable Answer Book (K–2)
  • Braille Nonscannable Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Braille Test Book (K–12)
  • Braille Examiner’s Manual (K–12)
  • Large-Print Test Book/Answer Book (K–2)
  • Large-Print Answer Book (grades three through twelve)
  • Large-Print Test Book (grades three through twelve)

General Rules for the PPT

The Examiner’s Manuals, student Test Books, and Answer Books are secure. Maintaining the security of all test materials is crucial to obtaining valid and reliable student results. Therefore, test materials must be kept in locked storage, except during actual test administration. It is the responsibility of all persons who administer the assessment to follow security procedures.

Accessibility Resources

The accessibility resources in table 1 are features of the assessment that facilitate accessibility for students without compromising the fair and accurate evaluation of each student’s proficiency.

Non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations will be available for the ELPAC PPT. These resources are provided at the test site level and must be coordinated and delivered by a site ELPAC coordinator or ELPAC TE. Designated supports and accommodations for students taking the PPT need to be assigned in the [Test Settings] tab of the student’s profile in TOMS. If a student requires the paper–pencil braille version of the assessment, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator must select the braille embedded accommodation test setting in the student’s profile in TOMS for the braille DEI to be enabled.

Refer to the Accessibility Resources section of this manual for additional information and resources for identifying and assigning student accessibility resources.

Table 1. Available Accessibility Resources for the ELPAC PPT

Non-embedded Universal Tools Non-embedded Designated Supports Non-embedded Accommodations
  • Breaks
  • Highlighter (grades 2–‍12)
  • Line reader (grades 2–‍12)
  • Mark for review (grades 2–‍12)
  • Oral clarification of test directions by the TE in English
  • Scratch paper
  • Strikethrough (grades 2–‍12)
  • Amplification
  • ASL or Manually Coded English (test directions)
  • Color overlay
  • Magnification
  • Masking
  • Medical supports
  • Noise buffers
  • Pause or replay audio—Listening domain
  • Pause or replay audio—Speaking domain
  • Read aloud for items (Writing domain)
  • Separate setting
  • Simplified test directions
  • Translated test directions
  • Alternate response options
  • ASL or Manually Coded English
  • Audio transcript (includes braille transcript) (grades 3–‍12)
  • Braille
  • Breaks
  • Large print
  • Scribe
  • Word processor (Writing domain) (grades 3–12)