Responsibilities of the LEA ELPAC Coordinator

Table 1 describes the schedule for the administration of the ELPAC PPTs for LEA ELPAC coordinators.

Table 1. ELPAC PPT Schedule—LEA ELPAC Coordinator

Activity Timeline
Complete and submit the CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams online questionnaire; this is discussed in more detail in the Ordering PPT Materials subsection. Three weeks before the expected test date
Make sure all student data from CALPADS appears correctly in TOMS and has the appropriate assessment(s) configured. Two weeks before the expected test date
Receive paper–pencil materials from the testing contractor. Two weeks before the expected test date
Take inventory of the cartons. LEA ELPAC coordinators should notify the assigned LEA Success Agent of any discrepancy in the number of cartons or materials received. Within two working days of delivery to the LEA
Distribute materials to the test sites. Five to 10 working days before the expected test date
Contact the assigned LEA Success Agent to order supplemental materials. As necessary
Ensure that student responses (for the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains) and scores (for the Speaking domain) for students in grades three through twelve are entered into the DEI. Same day of student test completion
Ship all scorable K–2 Answer Books and nonscorable materials to ETS. For the Initial ELPAC, this is discussed in more detail in the Finalizing Data Entry and Returning Materials subsection. For the Summative ELPAC, this is discussed in more detail in the Returning Test Materials to ETS for Scoring subsection. No more than five working days after completing entry of responses and scores into the DEI
Ship all braille materials to ETS. For the Initial ELPAC, this is discussed in more detail in the Finalizing Data Entry and Returning Materials subsection. No more than five working days after completing entry of responses and scores into the DEI

Refer to the Test Administration Roles section of this manual for information about user roles associated with ELPAC testing.

Before Testing

Completing Administration and Scoring Training

All LEA ELPAC coordinators who will be involved in the ELPAC PPT administration must complete training prior to administering and scoring the ELPAC PPT.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, site ELPAC coordinator, and other staff are responsible for ensuring all appropriate trainings have been completed. Such training should include, but not be limited to, training on administration and scoring, item security, and professional conduct associated with the administration of standardized assessments.

Reading Through Test Materials

Review this PPT Administration chapter in its entirety and become familiar with all testing and administration procedures.

Ensuring Users Have Been Added in TOMS and Staff Sign Security Forms

Ensure that any new staff members have been added as users in TOMS and that all site ELPAC coordinators have electronically signed the ELPAC Test Security Agreement and the ELPAC Test Security Affidavit upon logging on to TOMS.

Ordering PPT Materials

Before ordering PPT materials (braille, large-print, or standard assessment), the LEA ELPAC coordinator must complete and submit the CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams online questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is received and approved by the CDE, the LEA ELPAC coordinator will receive a call from the assigned LEA Success Agent to complete the process for ordering one or more PPTs for the student. The information obtained by ETS for the student will then be entered into TOMS to designate the student as a PPT taker. This will enable data entry of scores and responses by the TE or designated LEA staff.

Please note that if a student requires the braille version of the PPT, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator must select the braille embedded accommodation test setting in the student’s profile in TOMS for the braille DEI to be enabled.

Receiving and Inventorying Test Materials Ordered

Take inventory of cartons. LEA ELPAC coordinators should notify the assigned LEA Success Agent of any discrepancy in the number of cartons or materials received. Distribute materials to the test sites. Remind site ELPAC coordinators that the boxes must be retained for use in storing and returning test materials. Make sure to keep these materials separate from the computer-based K–2 Writing Answer Books.

After Testing

Initial ELPAC: Handling Materials After Testing

Locally Scoring Answer Books and the Data Entry Interface

The Initial ELPAC Speaking and Writing domains will be locally scored by qualified, trained personnel such as the TE. Raw scores for each task type and Writing questions will be marked on the Student Score Sheet found in the inside back cover of each Answer Book.

After the scores are noted on the Student Score Sheet, designated LEA personnel will enter these scores into the DEI as well as the student’s responses to the Listening and Reading domains marked in the Answer Book. When the PPT request form was submitted to ETS, the student information provided was recorded in TOMS to designate the student as taking a PPT, which enabled the student opportunity in the DEI. Follow the instructions in the Using the DEI chapter in this manual to log on, enter responses and scores, and submit a student’s assessment. Refer to the Data Entry Requirements section for more details. Student results cannot be reported until the scores and responses have been entered.

The Speaking and Writing domain scores entered in the DEI will be merged with the Listening and Reading domain responses that were machine-scored in the DEI. Once all domain scores have been merged, the Initial ELPAC SSR will be available to the LEA to download and print from TOMS.

Generating the Initial Parent/Guardian Notification Letter Data File

Through TOMS, the LEA ELPAC coordinator and local scoring correspondence administrator can download the Initial Parent/Guardian Notification Letter Data File. This Excel file will contain pertinent information from the merging of all domain scores in TOMS to produce official score information, which can be merged into the customizable Initial ELPAC: Parent and Guardian Notification Letter template. The template itself is available through the LEA.

Finalizing Data Entry and Returning Materials

The LEA ELPAC coordinator must ensure that the scores and responses have been entered in the DEI to produce the SSR or the Parent/Guardian Notification Letter. Additionally, the LEA ELPAC coordinator is responsible for coordinating the return of special version braille Test Books and braille Examiner’s Manuals from the sites back to the LEA and the packing and shipping of these materials for return to ETS. LEA ELPAC coordinators must follow the return instructions provided in the instructions that came with the special version test materials. Contact the assigned LEA Success Agent for more information on returning braille test materials.

Summative ELPAC: Handling Materials After Testing

K–2: Assembling Materials for Return

For paper–pencil testing in K–2, the scannable Answer Book will be returned to ETS for scoring. Refer to the Summative ELPAC Packing and Return Instructions included with the test materials for the full return instructions.

Receiving and Inventorying Test Materials Ordered

The LEA ELPAC coordinator is responsible for

  • coordinating the return of Answer Books from the sites back to the LEA;
  • checking all materials for completeness;
  • ensuring that the forms (e.g., the GISs) are completed properly; and
  • packing and shipping Answer Books to ETS for processing.

To accomplish these tasks, the LEA ELPAC coordinator should follow these steps:

  • STEP 1: Ensure that required demographic information is completed and accurate on all Answer Books being returned. Having an SSID for every Answer Book returned is critical for processing.
  • STEP 2: Verify the number of Answer Books. Confirm that the correct number of Answer Books have been returned. The number of Answer Books should match the number gridded on the GIS. (Refer to the Filling Out Group Identification Sheets subsection for additional information.)
  • STEP 3: Take action if the GIS is missing. If a precoded GIS has not been supplied, obtain a blank GIS from the Site ELPAC Coordinator Kit, fill in the information grids, and place the GIS on top of the Answer Books in the white return carton.

Returning Test Materials to ETS for Scoring

LEA ELPAC coordinators must follow the Summative ELPAC Packing and Return Instructions, which can be found in the LEA ELPAC Coordinator Kit. These detailed instructions provide steps to follow for scheduling UPS pickups and creating and printing UPS shipping labels. Additionally, the LEA ELPAC coordinator is responsible for coordinating the return of special version braille Test Books and braille Examiner’s Manuals from the sites back to the LEA and the packing and shipping of these materials for return. All Answer Books must be received by ETS no later than June 20, 2025. To ensure materials are received in time to be processed, LEAs should have all Answer Books picked up by UPS by June 13, 2025, at the latest.

To serve as a reference for both the LEA and ETS as to what is being returned in each shipment, an LEA ELPAC coordinator has the option to download and use the ELPAC School Group List web document for tracking. Take the following four steps to download this Microsoft Word form:

  1. Go to the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.
  2. Select the Assessments menu and then Summative ELPAC from the drop-down list.
  3. Scroll down the Summative ELPAC web page to the “Scoring and Correction Resources” section.
  4. Select [ELPAC School/Group List] to download this form.

Securely Destroying Used and Unused Test Materials

At the end of each ELPAC administration window, LEA ELPAC coordinators must

  • arrange for the secure destruction of the used and unused ELPAC PPT materials identified, and
  • indicate the LEA’s method of destruction by completing an online certification form that will be made available to the LEA ELPAC coordinator via email communication close to the end of the test administration window.

Securely destroy the following materials after the end of the test administration window as directed by the testing contractor:

  • Used Answer Books, Test Books, and Examiner’s Manuals for grades three through twelve (Only destroy these materials after response and score entry in the DEI has been completed.)
  • Unused Answer Books, Test Books, and Examiner’s Manuals
  • Voided Answer Books or those damaged during testing