Summative ELPAC: Grades Three Through Twelve

Resources for Remote Testing for Grades Three Through Twelve

The PFA and DFAs are available to better support consistent remote administration of the ELPAC for grades three through twelve. The TE should become familiar with the remote administration guidelines provided in the PFA ahead of testing and must use the appropriate grade-span DFA for the specific domain administration instructions. Refer to the Access Remote Test Administration Resources subsection for details.

Students Control the Secure Browser

For remote administration of the Summative ELPAC Listening, Reading, and Writing domains, students in grades three through twelve will log on to the secure browser for testing. The assessment can be completed in an individual or multiple-student session.

Take the following steps to manage a remote session where one or more students will run the secure browser on their device(s):

  1. Access a copy of the appropriate grade-span DFA for grades three through twelve in TOMS.
  2. Log on to the Test Administrator Interface.
    1. In the Test Administrator Interface, either start a test session by selecting the [Start a Remote Session] button or join a prescheduled test session.
    2. Select the Summative ELPAC in the Test Selection screen. Then, select the individual grade-span domain assessment(s) that corresponds to the actual grade level(s) of the student(s) being tested.
    3. Select the [Start Operational Sessions] button.
    4. A Session Information box will pop up, providing the session ID and session link. This test session ID must be shared with students so that they can sign in to the TDS via the secure browser.
  3. Open a video meeting (Zoom, Teams, Google, etc.) with the student(s).
    1. Have all students—no more than 20—turn on their web cameras and leave them on for the entire session so that each student and the room immediately surrounding each student can be seen. Students may not use any of the background features to obscure a view of the room.
    2. Share SSIDs, provide students with the test session ID, and if needed, show students the demonstration video How to Take a Remote Test.
    3. Instruct the students to leave the meeting and make sure all applications on their device are closed before the students open the secure browser.
  4. Students will log on to the secure browser. Approve their assessments in the Test Administrator Interface.
  5. In the Test Administrator Interface, a pop-up box appears that confirms access to the camera and microphone. Select the [I agree] button. Then, access the student approvals by selecting the [Approvals] button, and confirm the accessibility resources settings for each student. After, proceed with approving students to test.
  6. In the secure browser, students will complete the Sound and Video Playback Check.
  7. Once the Sound and Video Playback Check has been completed, students select the [Begin Test Now] button.
  8. Monitor the progression of each student through the assessment using the Test Administrator Interface.
  9. Monitor each student by watching the video feed, being alert for others in the room providing answers or an indication that a student might be using a device, such as a cell phone, out of sight of the web camera.
  10. At the end of the test session, confirm that each student has submitted or paused the assessment.
  11. Stop the session in the Test Administrator Interface by selecting the [Stop Session] stop sign icon.
  12. Log off the Test Administrator Interface.

TE Controls the Web-based Student Testing Interface for the Speaking Domain

The Speaking domain should be administered one-on-one. Multiple students cannot be tested during this type of session.

Take the following steps to manage a remote session where the web-based Student Testing Interface will be run on the TE’s device:

  1. Access a copy of the appropriate grade-span DFA for grades three through twelve in TOMS, which includes additional information for remote administration.
  2. Log on to the Test Administrator Interface. The TE may also have the DEI open when administering the Speaking domain.
    1. In the Test Administrator Interface, either start a test session by selecting the [Start a Remote Session] button or join a prescheduled test session.
    2. Select the Summative ELPAC in the Test Selection screen. Then, select the individual grade-level domain assessment that corresponds to the actual grade level of the student being tested.
    3. Select the [Start Operational Sessions] button.
    4. A Session Information box will pop up, providing the session ID and session link.
    5. Copy the session link and paste the link in a new web browser window to open the web-based Student Testing Interface with the session ID already populated.
  3. In the Test Administrator Interface, a pop-up box appears that confirms access to the camera and microphone. For the Speaking domain, skip this check by selecting the [X] in the upper corner.
  4. Open a video meeting (Zoom, Teams, Google, etc.) with the student.
    1. Have the student turn on their web camera and leave it on for the entire session so that the student and the room immediately surrounding the student can be seen.
  5. Sign in to the web-based Student Testing Interface using the student’s first name as it appears in TOMS, the student’s SSID, and the session ID if the information is not filled in.
    1. Confirm the student information that appears on the screen is correct by selecting the [Yes] button.
    2. Select the domain assessment to be administered.
  6. In the Test Administrator Interface, access the student approvals by selecting the [Approvals] button, and confirm the accessibility resources settings for the student.
  7. Share the web-based Student Testing Interface with the student. Be sure to select the option to share sound or audio or include sound within the videoconferencing platform.
  8. In the web-based Student Testing Interface, the Audio/Video Checks screen (figure 1) will appear.

    Audio/Video Checks screen with Recording Device Check, Sound and Video Playback Check, and Text-to-Speech Sound Check.

    Figure 1. Audio/Video Checks screen in the web-based Student Testing Interface

    1. For the Camera Check, select the [Skip] button. Then, scroll down to the next check (not shown).
    2. When administering the Speaking domain, follow the instructions on the screen for the Recording Device Check and have the student respond to the question using the microphone on the student’s device. Select [I heard my recording] if the recording was audible.

    3. Play the sound and video on the Sound and Video Playback Check and confirm whether the sound and video was able to be played by selecting the [I could play the sound and video] button.
    4. Once the audio and video checks have been completed, the Instructions and Help screen will appear. Then, select [Begin Test Now].

      The Instructions and Help screen with buttons to View Test Settings and View Help Guide with the Begin Test Now button indicated.

      Figure 2. Instructions and Help screen on the Student Testing Interface

  9. Administer the Speaking questions according to the scripts in the DFAs. Record the student’s scores on the Student Score Sheet at the end of the DFA or directly in the DEI.
  10. At the end of the test session, select the [End Test] button to submit the assessment.
  11. Log off the web-based Student Testing Interface.
  12. Stop the session in the Test Administrator Interface by selecting the [Stop Session] stop sign icon.
  13. Log off the Test Administrator Interface.
  14. Log on to the DEI and enter the scores for the Speaking domain immediately after testing if the scores were noted on the score sheet during the live assessment.