Overview of the Test Rules and Navigation

This chapter provides instructions for TEs and designated staff to use when entering scores or student responses into the DEI.

  • Item score and response entries can be reviewed and edited before submitting the assessment.
  • A score or response entry may be left blank for any of the assessments that must be entered into the DEI. If any of the scores or responses have been skipped—as indicated by a red triangle on the Data Entry Summary screen—return to those items and verify whether the item was intentionally skipped by the student. If not, enter the missing information before the assessment is submitted.
  • If an item score or response was skipped unintentionally and the assessment was mistakenly submitted for scoring, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator should file a STAIRS case to reopen the assessment in the DEI so that the scores or responses can be entered. Refer to the Correcting DEI Entries section in this chapter for steps on submitting this Appeal.
  • If a student’s scores or responses need to be completely reentered, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or site ELPAC coordinator should enter a STAIRS case to reset the assessment in the DEI so that the scores or responses can be reentered. Refer to the Correcting DEI Entries section in this chapter for steps on submitting a Reset Appeal.
  • If the Mark as No Response option is selected from the context menu, the answer choices are grayed out and cannot be selected. By deselecting the Mark as No Response option, the answer choices will be available for selecting again.
  • All scores and responses must be entered before the end of the ELPAC testing window.
  • If a student moves to a different school, all scores and responses along with the Speaking Student Score Sheet or test materials would need to be sent to the new school to enter into the DEI using the LEA process. The new school will be able to enter these scores and responses into the DEI, whereas the previous school will not.
    • If the student has moved to a new school within the same LEA, the Student Score Sheet or test materials may be transferred to the new school. The site ELPAC coordinator should advise the LEA ELPAC coordinator of the student’s move and obtain instructions from the LEA ELPAC coordinator as to how the materials should be securely transferred to the new school.
    • If the student has moved to a new school in a different LEA, the LEA ELPAC coordinator should work with the new LEA to securely transfer the Student Score Sheet or test materials. However, the new LEA may need to submit STAIRS incidents to reopen one or more domain assessments, as they may have expired by then. LEAs can use their Completion Status Reporting system to identify these students and test them.