Types of Resources

The initial, interim, and summative assessments and practice and training tests contain universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations. Embedded resources are those that are part of the online test administration system, whereas non-embedded resources are provided by the LEA outside of the TDS. All accessibility resources are listed and described in the CDE California Assessment Accessibility Resource Matrix, which is the definitive source of details about the accessibility resources available for CAASPP and the ELPAC. The information in this manual complements the Matrix.

The accessibility resources in this guide are identified as universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations. These resources are available for the listed, approved assessments and do not change the construct of what is being assessed. Students who receive these accessibility resources will receive a valid score. There is no penalty to the LEA for assigning these resources.

To help identify similarities between the assessment resources and classroom practices, Smarter Balanced has an Accessibility Strategies web page on the Tools for Teachers website. A user has the option of searching for a specific accessibility resource for additional information about how instructional strategies are used in assessments. Alternatively, visit the Student Accessibility Resources web page on the CDE website for more information on accessibility resources for testing.

Available Assessments

Accessibility resources are available for both CAASPP and the ELPAC.


The CAASPP is a system of assessments that includes the required assessments in ELA, mathematics, and science that permit students to demonstrate their mastery of the Common Core State Standards and the California Next Generation Science Standards. Also included in the CAASPP system is an optional assessment, the CSA, which measures a student’s competency in Spanish language arts.

Assessments are made accessible to all students through a variety of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.

Students whose IEP teams designate the use of an alternate assessment take the CAAs to demonstrate mastery of the alternate achievement standards. Since the CAAs are administered one-on-one by a test examiner who is familiar with the student and the student’s needs, some listed accessibility resources may not be necessary or supported by the test design. Note that a student assigned to take the CAAs will be automatically assigned to take the alternate assessments for the ELPAC, as needed.


The ELPAC is a system of assessments that is aligned with the 2012 California ELD Standards.

The Initial ELPAC is the mandated state test for ELP that is given to students whose primary language is a language other than English, as indicated in the home language survey completed when they first enroll in a California public school. The purpose of the Initial ELPAC is to determine the English proficiency of students entering California schools for the first time. The Initial ELPAC is a computer-based test for all grade levels and domains except for K–2 Writing, which is a PPT.

The Summative ELPAC is the mandated state test for determining the ongoing progress of students’ ELP status. It is a computer-based test for all grade levels and domains except for K–2 Writing, which is a PPT, and must be given annually to students who have been identified as EL students. California and federal law require that LEAs administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve annually until they become eligible for reclassification.

Existing CAASPP accessibility resources contributed to the development of an ELPAC accessibility framework specific for this population. This approach ensures all students have the opportunity to show what they know and what they can do in English. Resources that were appropriate for the construct being measured were considered, as well as new resources that are specific to the needs of the diverse students taking the ELPAC.

The Initial Alternate ELPAC is the state-mandated standardized measure of ELP for potential EL students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The Summative Alternate ELPAC is the state-mandated standardized measure of ELP for the same population. Both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC are aligned with the 2012 ELD Standards via the ELD Connectors, which are reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity for this specific population.

Each test is administered to an individual student by a trained test examiner, typically the student’s teacher. The Initial Alternate ELPAC and the Summative Alternate ELPAC are designed to assess the four domains via integrated receptive (Listening and Reading) items and expressive (Speaking and Writing) items that allow students to use their individually preferred communication modes to ensure eligible students can fully access and participate in the assessments. Accessibility resources for the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC are provided using the same ELPAC framework.

Since the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC are administered one-on-one by a test examiner who is familiar with the student and the student’s needs, some listed accessibility resources may not be necessary or supported by the test design.

Available Accessibility Resources

The following accessibility resources and test settings for CAASPP and ELPAC computer-based testing are described in the next subsections. Note that usage and description information is adapted from the Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines (PDF). Note also that the samples provided are screen captures made using publicly available practice tests.

The non-embedded accessibility resources for paper–pencil testing are described in the Appendix A: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations section of the CAASPP Paper–Pencil Test Administration Manual; and the Accessibility Resources subsection of the PPT Administration Information section of the ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual.

Universal Tools

Universal tools are available for all students taking the listed, approved assessments and do not change the construct of what is being assessed. Students who receive these accessibility resources will receive a valid score. Universal tools are provided either as digitally delivered components of the TDS (embedded) or separate from it (non-embedded).


Select a resource link in table 1 to access its description. In the embedded universal tools table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 1. Embedded Universal Tools for the General Assessments

Embedded Universal Tool ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
Breaks (Computer-based Assessments) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Calculator, Mathematics (Selected Items) No Yes No No No No
Calculator, Science (Selected Items) No No Yes No No No
Digital Notepad Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
English Dictionary (Writing) Yes No No No No No
English Glossary Yes Yes Yes No No No
English Thesaurus Yes No No No No No
Expandable Items Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Expandable Passages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Global Notes (Writing) Yes No No No No No
Highlighter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Keyboard Navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Line Reader Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mark for Review Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mathematics Tools No Yes Yes No No No
Science Charts No No Yes No No No
Science Tools No No Yes No No No
Spanish Glossary No No No Yes No No
Spell Check Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Strikethrough Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Writing Tools Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Zoom Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Select a resource link in table 2 to access its description. In the embedded universal tools table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 2. Embedded Universal Tools for the Alternate Assessments

Embedded Universal Tool CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
Breaks (Computer-based Assessments) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Calculator, Mathematics (Selected Items) No No No No
Calculator, Science (Selected Items) No No No No
Digital Notepad Yes Yes Yes Yes
English Dictionary (Writing) No No No No
English Glossary No No No No
English Thesaurus No No No No
Expandable Items Yes Yes Yes Yes
Expandable Passages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Global Notes (Writing) No No No No
Highlighter Yes Yes Yes Yes
Keyboard Navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Line Reader Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mark for Review Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mathematics Tools No No No No
Science Charts No No No No
Science Tools No No No No
Spanish Glossary No No No No
Spell Check No No No No
Strikethrough Yes Yes Yes Yes
Writing Tools No No No No
Zoom Yes Yes Yes Yes


Select a resource link in table 3 to access its description. In the non-embedded universal tools table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 3. Non-Embedded Universal Tools for the General Assessments

Non-Embedded Universal Tool ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
Breaks (Computer-based Assessments, PPTs, and PPT Emergency Forms) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
English Dictionary (Writing) Yes No No No No No
English Thesaurus Yes No No No No No
Highlighter No No No No No Yes
Mark for Review (Grade Two) No No No No No Yes
Oral Clarification of Test Directions in English No No No No Yes Yes
Scratch Paper Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Test Navigation Assistant No No No No Yes No

Select a resource link in table 4 to access its description. In the non-embedded universal tools table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 4. Non-Embedded Universal Tools for the Alternate Assessments

Non-Embedded Universal Tool CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
Breaks (Computer-based Assessments, PPTs, and PPT Emergency Forms) Yes Yes Yes Yes
English Dictionary (Writing) No No No No
Highlighter No No No No
Mark for Review (Grade Two) No No No No
Oral Clarification of Test Directions in English No No No Yes
Scratch Paper Yes Yes Yes Yes
Test Navigation Assistant No No No Yes
English Thesaurus No No No No

Designated Supports

Designated supports are available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators (with parent/guardian and student input, as appropriate). They are provided either as digitally delivered components of the TDS (embedded) or separate from it (non-embedded).


Select a resource link in table 5 to access its description. In the embedded designated supports table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 5. Embedded Designated Supports for the General Assessments

Embedded Designated Support ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
Color Contrast Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Masking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mouse Pointer (Size and Color) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Pause or Replay Audio (Listening Domain) No No No No Yes No
Pause or Replay Audio (Speaking Domain) No No No No Yes No
Permissive Mode (Setting) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Print Size (Setting) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Streamline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Text-to-Speech Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Text-to-Speech in Spanish No Yes No No No No
Translated Test Directions (Spanish) No Yes Yes No No No
Translation Glossaries No Yes Yes No No No
Translations (Spanish Stacked–Dual Language) No Yes Yes No No No
Turn Off Any Universal Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Select a resource link in table 6 to access its description. In the embedded designated supports table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 6. Embedded Designated Supports for the Alternate Assessments

Embedded Designated Support CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
Color Contrast Yes Yes Yes Yes
Masking Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mouse Pointer (Size and Color) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pause or Replay Audio (Listening Domain) No No No No
Pause or Replay Audio (Speaking Domain) No No No No
Permissive Mode (Setting) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Print Size (Setting) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Streamline Yes Yes Yes Yes
Text-to-Speech No No No No
Text-to-Speech in Spanish No No No No
Translated Test Directions (Spanish) No No No No
Translation Glossaries No No No No
Translations (Spanish Stacked–Dual Language) No No No No
Turn Off Any Universal Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes


Select a resource link in table 7 to access its description. In the non-embedded designated supports table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

The single asterisk (*) indicates that the read-aloud items designated support is only available for the Writing domain for the Initial ELPAC and the Summative ELPAC and for CSA items.

Table 7. Non-Embedded Designated Supports for the General Assessments

Non-Embedded Designated Support ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
100s Number Table, Science No No Yes No No No
ASL or Manually Coded English (test directions) No No No No No Yes
Amplification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bilingual Dictionary Yes No No No No No
Calculator, Science (Selected Items) No No Yes No No No
Color Overlay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Designated Interface Assistant No No No No Yes No
Magnification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Masking No No No No Yes Yes
Medical Supports Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiplication Table, Science No No Yes No No No
Noise Buffers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Print-on-Demand No No No No Yes No
Printed Test Directions in English Yes Yes No No No No
Read Aloud Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes* Yes
Read Aloud in Spanish No Yes Yes No No No
Science Charts No No Yes No No No
Scribe Items (items only [non-PT full write]) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Separate Setting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Simplified Test Directions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Translated Test Directions Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Translated Test Directions in ASL Yes Yes No No No No

Select a resource link in table 8 to access its description. In the non-embedded designated supports table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 8. Non-Embedded Designated Supports for the Alternate Assessments

Non-Embedded Designated Support CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
100s Number Table, Science No No Yes No
ASL or Manually Coded English (test directions) No No No Yes
Amplification Yes Yes Yes No
Bilingual Dictionary No No No No
Calculator, Science (Selected Items) No No No No
Designated Interface Assistant No No No Yes
Magnification Yes Yes Yes Yes
Masking No No No Yes
Medical Supports Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiplication Table, Science No No Yes No
Noise Buffers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Print-on-Demand No No No Yes
Printed Test Directions in English No No No No
Read Aloud Yes Yes Yes Yes
Read Aloud in Spanish No No No No
Science Charts No No No No
Scribe Items (items only [non-PT full write]) Yes Yes Yes No
Separate Setting Yes Yes Yes Yes
Simplified Test Directions Yes Yes Yes Yes
Translated Test Directions No No No No
Translated Test Directions in ASL No No No No


Accommodations are changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during CAASPP or ELPAC administration. Assessment accommodations will allow these students to show what they know and can do. Students assessed using accommodations will receive a valid score. Accommodations are available for assignment to students with documented IEPs or Section 504 plans. They are provided either as digitally delivered components of the TDS (embedded) or separate from it (non-embedded).

Accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, or intended outcome of the assessments.


Select a resource link in table 9 to access its description. In the embedded accommodations table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

The single asterisk (*) indicates that this American Sign Language accommodation is available for the Speaking and Listening domains of the Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC. The two asterisks (**) indicate that the closed-captioning accommodation is available for the listening portion of the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA. The three asterisks (***) indicate that the text-to-speech accommodation is available for all domains except Reading.

Table 9. Embedded Accommodations for the General Assessments

Embedded Accommodation ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
American Sign Language Yes Yes Yes No Yes* No
Audio Transcript (Includes Braille Transcript) Yes No No Yes Yes No
Braille Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Closed-Captioning Yes** No No Yes Yes No
Speech-to-Text Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Text-to-Speech (Reading Passages) Yes No No Yes Yes*** No
Word Completion Yes Yes Yes No No No

Select a resource link in table 10 to access its description. In the embedded accommodations table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 10. Embedded Accommodations for the Alternate Assessments

Embedded Accommodation CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
American Sign Language No No No No
Audio Transcript (Includes Braille Transcript) No No No No
Braille No No No No
Closed-Captioning No No No No
Speech-to-Text No No No No
Text-to-Speech (Reading Passages) No No No No
Word Completion No No No No


Select a resource link in table 11 to access its description. In the non-embedded accommodations table for the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics, CAST, CSA, and Summative and Initial ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

The single asterisk (*) indicates that the American Sign Language accommodation is available for the Speaking and Listening domains of the Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC. The double asterisks (**) indicate that the scribe writing accommodation is available for the PT full write portion of the CAASPP Smarter Balanced for ELA.

Table 11. Non-Embedded Accommodations for the General Assessments

Non-Embedded Accommodation ELA Math CAST CSA ELPAC ELPAC (K–2 Writing)
100s Number Table (Mathematics) No Yes No No No No
Abacus No Yes Yes No No No
Additional Instructional Supports and Resources for Alternate Assessments No No No No No No
Alternate Response Options Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ASL or Manually Coded English No No No No Yes* Yes
Braille No No No No No Yes
Breaks No No No No Yes Yes
Calculator, Mathematics (Grades Six and Above) No Yes No No No No
Large Print No No No No No Yes
Multiplication Table, Mathematics (Grades Four and Above) No Yes No No No No
Print-on-Demand Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Read Aloud Reading Passages Yes No No Yes No No
Scribe (Writing) Yes** No No Yes Yes Yes
Speech-to-Text Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Word Completion Yes Yes Yes No No No
Word Processor (Writing) No No No No Yes No

Select a resource link in table 12 to access its description. In the non-embedded accommodations table for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science and the Alternate ELPAC, “Yes” indicates that the resource is available during testing, and “No” indicates that the resource is not available during testing.

Table 12. Non-Embedded Accommodations for Alternate Assessments

Non-Embedded Accommodation CAA for ELA CAA for Math CAA for Science Alternate ELPAC
100s Number Table (Mathematics) No Yes No No
Abacus No Yes Yes No
Additional Instructional Supports and Resources for Alternate Assessments Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alternate Response Options Yes Yes Yes Yes
American Sign Language or Manually Coded English No No No Yes
Braille No No No No
Breaks No No No Yes
Calculator, Mathematics (Grades Six and Above) No No No No
Large Print No No No No
Multiplication Table, Mathematics (Grades Four and Above) No Yes No No
Print-on-Demand Yes Yes Yes No
Read Aloud Reading Passages Yes No No No
Scribe (Writing) Yes No No No
Speech-to-Text No No No No
Word Completion No No No No
Word Processor (Writing) No No No No