Student Score Data File

The Student Score Data Files are found in TOMS and available only to LEA CAASPP coordinators. They are typically available starting in late May, when Smarter Balanced and CAST SSRs are released. The files are updated daily as results become available and are cumulative. If the LEA wants to filter Student Score Data Files to download only results that have not been downloaded previously, downloads can be requested by SSR availability date.

During the LEA preview of results, LEAs can use the “By Tested LEA” version of the Student Score Data File to confirm the aggregations on the Test Results for California’s Assessments website. Minor discrepancies in student counts may result from students enrolled in nonpublic schools that are aggregated to their District of Accountability instead of their tested location. The Include Indicator value is the key to understanding which students were included in the aggregation of the number of students tested or the number of students with valid scores versus which students were not included because of invalidations, exemptions, or not being tested. These values are defined in the current CAASPP Student Data File Layout available on the CAASPP Score Reporting web page.

In addition, LEAs can use the “By Enrolled LEA” file to access results of students who are currently enrolled with the LEA as of the date of the file. The students included in the file will change daily as student enrollments change in CALPADS. This file allows LEAs to access results for students who moved into the LEA but tested at another LEA.

The data files include student demographic information, assessment results, testing information including assigned accessibility resources, as well as historical scores for a student, if the student has taken the particular assessment in a previous administration.

The CAASPP Student Score Data File, which is now updated daily, contains data for all CAASPP assessments and includes the Lexile and Quantile measures. In addition, the CAASPP data file includes a field titled “CAST Current Year Flag,” which reflects whether the student participated in the CAST in the selected year or whether the student record is from a prior test administration and is included as part of CAST cohort reporting.