Attributes and Filter Options

Schools and Districts

The Schools and Districts panel allows the user to specify which schools and districts should be included in the report, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Schools and Districts panel

The Schools and Districts panel contains the following actionable elements:

  1. Search a School or District: Search for the school(s) or district(s) to include in the report. Users with district-level permission may select multiple schools or the entire district. Users with state-level permission may select multiple schools and districts. This selection is disabled for users with single school permission.
  2. Districts: This displays the selected districts to be included in the report. Users with single district permissions have their district preselected.
  3. Schools: This displays the selected schools to be included in the report. Users with single school permissions have their school preselected.
  4. [State results (Summative assessments only)]: If selected, the report will include summary summative assessment results for the state.
  5. [School results for selected districts]: If selected, the report will include the results for each school within each selected district.
  6. [District results for selected schools]: If selected, the report will include a results summary for the district of each selected school.

Assessment Attributes

The Assessment Attributes panel allows the user to define the report based on specific attributes, as shown in figure 2. The report type selected determines the assessment attributes displayed.

Figure 2. Assessment Attributes panel

The Assessment Attributes panel provides the following attribute selections:

  1. Assessment Type: The type of assessment for the report type. The choices are either [ICA], [IAB/IA], or [Summative].
  2. Subjects: Subjects available for the report type. The choices are [Math], [ELA], [CAA ELA], [CAA Math], [CAA Science], [CAST], [CSA], and [ELPAC]. The [All] button causes the report to include results for all displayed subjects.
  3. Assessment Grades: Grade of the assessment. One or more grades must be selected. A report does not generate unless at least one grade is selected. For Target Reports, only a single grade may be selected.
  4. Academic Years: The administration year(s) included in the report. One or more academic years must be selected. A report does not generate unless at least one academic year is selected. For Target Reports, only a single year may be selected.
  5. Manner of Administration/Validity: The status of the assessment(s) results
    • If the assessment type is ICA,IAB, or IA, this attribute is Manner of Administration and defaults to [Standardized]. It can be toggled to [Nonstandardized] to view results for nonstandardized assessments only or to [All] to generate a report with both types of administration.
    • If the assessment type is Summative, this attribute is Validity and defaults to[Valid]. It can be toggled to [Invalid] to view results for invalidated assessments only or to [All] to generate a report with both valid and invalid results.
  6. Completeness: Whether the assessment results meet the definition of complete. The default is [Complete], but it can be toggled to [Partial] for partial assessments or to [All] to generate a report that includes results from assessments that are either complete or partial.

Claim/Domain Report subpanel

Figure 3. Claim/Domain Report subpanel

For a Claim/Domain Report, an additional [Claims or Domains] button appears in the Subjects panel. Selecting it opens a subpanel that allows specific claims or domains to be selected (figure 3).

Only claims or domains from the included content areas can be selected, and only the selected claims or domains appear in the generated claim report. Users can also select [All] for each to display all claims or domains in the report. For example, if the selections were as in figure 3, the generated report would include all subjects and their related claims or domains.

Subgroups and Filters

The Filter panel contains two tabs, [Subgroups and Advanced Filters] and [Customized Subgroups]. These provide two different strategies for configuring how student performance data are categorized and how groups are filtered for inclusion in the report. These strategies are mutually exclusive, so only one of these panels should be configured. The generated report uses the setting from whichever tab is currently selected.


The Subgroups section of the [Subgroups and Advanced Filters] tab allows a user to disaggregate a report by all the student demographic values and program subgroups for comparison to the overall population, as shown in figure 4. The available subgroups that can be selected are [Race/Ethnicity], [English Language Acquisition Status], [Primary Language], and [Migrant Status].

Subgroups Menu

Figure 4. Subgroups section

Advanced Filters

The Advanced Filters section of the [Subgroups and Advanced Filters] tab can be displayed by selecting the [Show] button below the Subgroup controls, as shown in figure 5. It is useful when a user wants to disaggregate a report by one or more specific student subgroup combinations. The available filters are [Race/Ethnicity], [English Language Acquisition Status], [Primary Language], and [Migrant Status].

Advanced Filters in CERS

Figure 5. Advanced Filters section

Customize Subgroups

Customized subgroups provide complete control of which student groups are included in the generated report and how the report data are categorized. It can be used in cases where the Subgroups and Advanced Filters do not provide enough flexibility. The controls are similar to the Advanced Filters but allow multiple combinations to be defined, as shown in figure 6.

To customize subgroups:

  1. Configure a subgroup using the filters as if creating an Advanced Filters query.
  2. Select the [+Create Subgroup] button to add this group to the report.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create additional subgroups.

Figure 6. Customize Subgroups tab

The report includes a row with the results for each defined subgroup and overall totals for all test takers. The customized subgroup combinations do not need to be mutually exclusive. For example, one subgroup could be defined as all students whose primary language is [Spanish]. A second subgroup could be [English Learner] whose migrant status is [Yes]. Some students could fall into multiple subgroups depending on how the subgroups are defined, while others fall into no subgroups. Therefore, the subgroup totals will not always sum to the overall totals.