Introduction to the User Guide
This user guide describes the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) features and provides detailed instructions for using each feature, including common scenarios that encompass related features.
Intended Audience
This user guide is intended for teachers, school administrators, local educational agency (LEA) administrators, and state education agency staff who use CERS for timely and accurate reports of student performance on state summative and interim assessments.
Organization of the CERS User Guide
This user guide is organized into the following major sections:
- CERS User Guide Overview provides a brief introduction to CERS, including the system’s relationship with other Smarter Balanced applications.
- Accessing CERS provides an overview of user roles and permissions and describes how users log on and log out of CERS.
- General Reporting Features outlines the general tools of the user interface.
- Navigating CERS provides an overview of the Reporting Home Page, navigation and menus, accessing reports, and report options.
- Interim Assessments in CERS details individual, group, and item level reports for the state interim assessments.
- Summative Assessments in CERS details individual and group reports for the state summative assessments.
- Custom Aggregate Reports in CERS describes the query selection and query review process for creating aggregate reports.
- District/School Exports describes how to export a CSV file containing district and school assessment results.
- Administrative Features in CERS describes how to manage student groups and local instructional resources.
- CERS Sandbox describes the CERS Sandbox features and functions.
- The Appendix includes guidance on how to request technical support, and includes an accessibility statement, and a version history for this guide.
Document Conventions
- Bold Italicized text refers to a page element, such as a menu, page name, or field name.
- [Bold text] text within brackets refers to a selectable button, tab, or toggle option.
- Underlined Blue Text refers to a link.
- ALL_CAPS with or without an underscore refers to a CERS permission included in a Test Operations Management System (TOMS) user role.
The content boxes below are used to call attention to a tip, note, caution, or warning to help users maximize the usefulness of CERS.