Estimated Testing Time

This web page includes estimated testing time for CAASPP and ELPAC assessments. Estimated testing times are represented in hours and minutes (hrs:mins).

Smarter Balanced ELA and Mathematics

Content Area Grade Levels Adjusted Form CAT Estimated Testing Time Performance Task (PT) Estimated Testing Time Adjusted Form Estimated Testing Time
ELA 3─5 0:45 2:00 2:45
ELA 6─8 0:45 2:00 2:45
ELA 11 1:00 2:00 3:00
Mathematics 3─5 0:45 1:00 1:45
Mathematics 6─8 1:00 1:00 2:00
Mathematics 11 1:00 1:30 2:30
Both 3─5 1:30 3:00 4:30
Both 6─8 1:45 3:00 4:45
Both 11 2:00 3:30 5:30

The revised blueprints for the adjusted forms are available on the Smarter Balanced Content Explorer website.


Content Area Grade Levels Estimated Testing Time
CAST 5, 8, and once in high school 1:00 to 2:00
CSA 3─8 and 11 2:00

Testing Time—CAAs

Content Area Grade Levels Estimated Testing Time Total Estimated Testing Time
CAA for ELA 3─8 and 11 1:00 to 1:40 1:00 to 1:40
CAA for mathematics 3─8 and 11 1:00 to 1:40 1:00 to 1:40
CAA for Science 6─8 1:00 to 1:40 per PT, 4 PTs total 4:00 to 6:40

Testing Time—Summative ELPAC

Content Area Grade Level or Grade Span Estimated Testing Time
Summative ELPAC Kindergarten :40 to 1:00
Summative ELPAC 1 :50 to 1:20
Summative ELPAC 2 1:10 to 1:40
Summative ELPAC 3─5 1:50 to 3:00
Summative ELPAC 6─8 1:50 to 3:00
Summative ELPAC 9─10 2:05 to 3:10
Summative ELPAC 11─12 2:05 to 3:10

Estimated testing times by form and domain are available on the Summative ELPAC Estimated Testing Times web page.

Testing Time—Initial ELPAC

Content Area Grade Level or Grade Span Estimated Testing Time
Initial ELPAC Kindergarten :20 to :35
Initial ELPAC 1 :20 to :40
Initial ELPAC 2 :30 to :55
Initial ELPAC 3─5 :45 to 1:25
Initial ELPAC 6─8 :40 to 1:15
Initial ELPAC 9─12 :40 to 1:20

Estimated testing times by domain are available on the Initial ELPAC Estimated Testing Times web page.