Giving a Remote Test: Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments

The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments are currently available to be administered remotely, using the secure browser or the web-based Student Testing Interface, in either a Chrome or Firefox browser. Neither Safari nor Edge is, currently, supported for remote administration. If the interim assessments are being administered in person, students must use the secure browser. For more information on administration options, visit the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments—Test Administration Options web page.

For more resources and systems related to the interim assessments, visit the Interim Assessment Administration Resources web page.

How to Administer Interim Assessments Remotely—Quick Steps

Remote administration of interim assessments is similar to administration in person. Test administrators may use Zoom, Google Meet, or a similar method to share the session ID and to provide support for students throughout the logon process.

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Test Administrator Interface Logon screen, and log on using the same Test Operations Management System (TOMS) logon credentials used at school.
  2. Select the assessment that will be administered.
  3. Select a session type of Remote or Hybrid.
  4. Start the test session and give the students the session ID that is generated.
  5. Direct students to either the secure browser or the web-based Student Testing Interface in a Chrome or Firefox browser.
    1. If students are using the secure browser, they will need to close any videoconferencing software and other programs to open the secure browser.
    2. If students are using the web-based testing interface, they can stay in a video call to receive support. However, they should disable their camera in that call to avoid conflicts with the web-based testing interface.
  6. After the students log on and select the test to be administered, approve them into the session so that they may begin the assessment.
  7. After all students complete the assessment, stop the test session and log off.

How to Administer Interim Assessments Remotely—Detailed Instructions

Remote administration of interim assessments is similar to administration in person. Test administrators may use Zoom, Google Meet, or a similar method to share the session ID and to provide support for students throughout the logon process.

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Test Administrator Interface Logon screen and enter the same TOMS credentials used at school (figure 1).

    Logon window before the Test Administration Interface

    Figure 1. Logon screen

  2. Select the [Plus] plus sign [+] button for Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments (figure 2) to expand the list and access options. Note that a [Minus] minus sign [-] button will replace the [Plus] plus sign [+] button once the list is expanded. Selecting the [Minus] minus sign [-] button will collapse the list.

    Interim Assessment banner with the plus button [+] called out

    Figure 2. Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments [Plus] button

  3. Select the [Plus] plus sign [+] button for either Interim Comprehensive Assessments or Interim Assessment Blocks (figure 3) to indicate the assessment type to be administered.

    Interim assessment options for Interim Comprehensive Assessments and Interim Assessment Blocks with the plus buttons [+] called out

    Figure 3. The [Plus] button for the Interim Comprehensive Assessments and the Interim Assessment Blocks

  4. Continue using the [Plus] plus sign [+] buttons to select the applicable subject and grade.
  5. Check the box for the desired assessment (figure 4). Please note that the first time an assessment is selected, a security reminder will pop up; select the [OK] button to dismiss it.

    Two examples of interim assessments with the check boxes called out

    Figure 4. Checkboxes for two grade-three assessments

  6. Select a session type of either In Person or Remote or Hybrid (figure 5). Selecting Remote or Hybrid will enable the new communication and monitoring tools embedded within the testing interface—also known as the communication widget. If you are using Zoom, Google Meet, or a similar program to communicate with students during the test, selecting In Person prevents the communication widget from appearing.

    Session settings screen. Under session type, the 'Remote or Hybrid' radio button is selected.

    Figure 5. Radio buttons to select Session Type

  7. Start the test session, and select the manner of administration from the drop-down list (figure 6):

    1. Nonstandardized
    2. Standardized

    Manner of Administration window with drop-down list

    Figure 6. Manner of Administration drop-down list

  8. If students are using the secure browser, give the students the session ID that is generated (figure 7). This session ID may be used by all students for the session; but when this session is closed, a new session ID will be required.

    Test Administrator Interface window, with the Session Information window visible, and an example Session ID called out

    Figure 7. Generated session ID

  9. If students are using the web-based Student Testing Interface in a Chrome or Firefox browser, give the students the link that is generated (figure 8), which will take them to the testing interface and fill in the session ID for them.

    Test Administrator Interface window, with the Session Information window visible, and an example Session ID link called out

    Figure 8. Generated session ID and link

  10. After the students log on, approve the students’ access to the assessment. Select the [Approvals] button (figure 9).

    A portion of the test administration window, with the Approvals button called out

    Figure 9. [Approvals] button

  11. Either select the [Approve All Students] button to approve all the students or select the [Approve] check mark icon in the Actions column to approve individual students. For students with accommodations or designated supports, select the [Details] eye [‍[View] icon] icon to review these prior to approving (figure 10).

    A portion of the Test Administration Interface window with the eyeball icon called out

    Figure 10. [Details] icon

  12. For details on how to use new remote monitoring features, access the Monitoring a Remote Test Session video.
  13. To end a session once all students have submitted or had their test paused, select the [Stop Session] stop sign button (figure 11).

    An example Operational Session ID being displayed in the Test Administration Interface with the stop sign symbol called out

    Figure 11. [STOP] button

  14. Log off of the Test Administrator Interface.