Parent/Guardian Notification

Parent/Guardian notification letter templates are available to notify parents and guardians about the various testing options that local educational agencies (LEAs) may employ to complete 2020–21 testing. An LEA may use whatever method fits its needs to notify parents and guardians about the test administration. These letters can be customized and used as a printed document or provided to parents and guardians electronically.

In-Person Testing Notification Letter Templates

An LEA conducting in-person administration can use the 2020–21 in-person notification letter templates available on the CDE Notice of Assessments Administration web page.

Remote Testing Notification Letter Templates

Before allowing a student to participate in a remote test administration, an LEA must notify the student’s parent or guardian of the remote test administration requirements, including video monitoring of the student, who may be at home, using technology that works over the internet. An LEA that is conducting remote administration can use the following notification letter template:


CAASPP Testing Flexibility Notification Letter Templates

The State Board of Education (SBE) took action to provide additional testing flexibility to LEAs at the March 16, 2021, SBE meeting. More information about the flexibility is available in the 2020–21 Spring Summative Assessment Administration Flexibility Guidelines and on the California Department of Education COVID−19 Assessment FAQs web page. Depending upon how the LEA intends to administer the 2020–21 CAASPP, the following parent/guardian notification letter templates are available:


End of Year Parent/Guardian and Teacher Communication and Planning Resources

These family engagement tools and customizable communications are intended to help teachers equip parents and guardians to support their child’s learning this summer. These tools are optional resources and are meant to serve as a starting point for continued conversation with families.